Glossary (Version 8.4)

Materials, data, systems, components, tools and equipment used to create solutions for identified needs and opportunities, and the knowledge, understanding and skills used by people involved in the selection and use of these.

A focus and opportunities for students in Design and Technologies to use processes and production skills to design and produce products, services and environments. The prescribed technologies contexts for Foundation – Year 8 are: engineering principles and systems; food and fibre production; food specialisations; and materials and technologiesspecialisations.

Processes that allow the creation of a solution for an audience (end user, client or consumer). The processes involve the purposeful use of technologies and other resources and appropriate consideration of impact when creating and using solutions. The processes typically require critical and creative thinking such as: computational, design or systems thinking. The processes involve: investigating and defining; generating and designing; producing and implementing; evaluating; and collaborating and managing (design processes) and technologies-specific production processes.

Areas of specialisation that typically involve extensive use of technologies (for example, architecture, electronics, graphics technologies, fashion).

A small drawing usually done quickly by designers, architects and engineering designers to indicate roughly what an object, system or environment could look like. Thumbnail drawings are a method of visualising thinking and show main features rather than minor details. They may include annotations.

An implement and machine to carry out specific processes when working with materials. For example, a saw is an example of a tool used to cut timber; scissors are used to cut fabric, paper and cardboard; a tape measure is used to measure lengths and widths of wood and fabric; a blender is used to mix and blend food ingredients; secateurs are used to prune plants. Also see equipment.

Drawing of an object to show what it looks like when viewed from above. Also see orthogonaldrawing.

A set of rules or standards for organising how messages are transmitted over the internet. Also see file transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol.