Glossary (Version 8.4)

In the Australian Curriculum: History, a word or phrase used to describe an abstract aspect or feature of the past (for example, colonisation, revolution, imperialism, democracy) and more specific features (for example, pyramid, gladiator, temple, rock shelter).

A concept in international law meaning 'a territory belonging to no-one' or 'over which no-one claims ownership'. The concept has been used to justify the colonisation of Australia. Also see native title.

A map that portrays a specific type of information, for example, rainfall, transport routes, climatic zones or population distribution.

A detailed, large-scale map of a part of the earth’s surface, which illustrates the shape of a land and selected natural and human features from the surrounding environment.

A sacrifice that must be made when choosing how to use resources. The preferred (next best) alternative is known as the opportunity cost.

A pattern in change over time in a set of data.