Work samples

Health and Physical Education

Years 3 and 4


Written response: Community connections

Summary of task

As part of a unit of work on community connections, students learnt about how places in their local community were designed to promote physical activity. They visited a local playground near their school to conduct an audit of the types of resources available.

Students were asked to identify areas in their local community that they could use for physical activity, and to describe some areas they have already used and how they have used them. They were then asked to propose at least one new way of using one of these areas.

This assessment task relates to the focus areas: health benefits of physical activity, and lifelong physical activities.

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 4, students recognise strategies for managing change. They identify influences that strengthen identities. They investigate how emotional responses vary and understand how to interact positively with others in a variety of situations. Students interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices. They understand the benefits of being healthy and physically active. They describe the connections they have to their community and identify local resources to support their health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity.

Students apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply rules fairly. They use decision-making and problem-solving skills to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active. They refine fundamental movement skills and apply movement concepts and strategies in a variety of physical activities and to solve movement challenges. They create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement.

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