Work samples

Health and Physical Education

Foundation Year


Scribed response: Growth and change

Summary of task

The students and teacher discussed the concept of growth and change.

Students were asked to bring in two photos of themselves: one as a baby and one as a school student. Using those photos, students identified their needs at these two points in time and changes that had occurred. Students undertook the task with support. They verbalised their understanding, and responses were scribed by the teacher.

This assessment task relates to the focus area: relationships and sexuality.


Achievement standard

By the end of Foundation Year, students recognise how they are growing and changing. They identify and describe the different emotions people experience. They identify actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active. They identify different settings where they can be active and demonstrate how to move and play safely. They describe how their body responds to movement.

Students use personal and social skills when working with others in a range of activities. They demonstrate, with guidance, practices and protective behaviours to keep themselves safe and healthy in different activities. They perform fundamental movement skills and solve movement challenges.

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