Work samples

Languages: French

Foundation to Year 2


Le Petit Matthieu, Plic-ploc, j’écoute la pluie

Summary of task

Students learnt French pronunciation and intonation through play-based learning and mimicking to learn and recite a poem. In this task, students were asked to learn vocabulary including words with similar pronunciation to English and recite a poem.  

There are three parts to this task:

Part 1:

Students were asked to choose from a list of words to complete the blanks in the text. Students were asked to reflect on their knowledge of French pronunciation to identify words in the poem with similar spelling and meaning to English.

Part 2:

Students were asked to recite the poem imitating correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Part 3:

Students were asked to recite a poem of their choice imitating correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 2, students interact with teachers and each other through action-related talk and play. They exchange greetings such as Bonjour! Comment ça va? Très bien, merci and respond to question cues with single words or set phrases such as Qu’est-ce que c’est? Un éléphant. Tu veux un croissant? Non, merci. They choose between options when responding to questions such as Tu veux le rouge ou le bleu? They make meaning using visual, non-verbal and contextual cues such as intonation, gestures and facial expressions. They mimic French pronunciation, approximating vowel sounds and consonant combinations with some accuracy. They identify key words in spoken texts, such as names of people, places or objects. They use modelled examples and formulaic language to convey factual information at word and simple sentence level, such as making statements about themselves, their class and home environment, the weather or date. They write simple texts such as lists, labels, captions and descriptions. Students use some pronouns, prepositions and simple present tense forms of regular verbs.

Students identify ways in which spoken French sounds different to English and know that it uses the same alphabet when written. They identify words that are written the same in both languages but pronounced differently. They know that French is the language used in France and also in many other regions of the world. They know that language is used differently in different situations and between different people. They identify differences and similarities between their own and other’s languages and cultures.

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