Work samples

Languages: Italian

Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)


La mia scuola

Summary of task

Students were asked to write an article on their school life and discuss the positive and negative aspects of their school.

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 10, students use a range of everyday language both orally and in writing to exchange information about their personal, social, local and about broader issues of personal significance. They communicate thoughts and opinions; make comparisons and contrasts (for example, a differenza di; invece), and offer reasons for points of view, opinions and preferences. They express desires and plans for the future. They give presentations, and formulate and respond to a range of questions. They interpret information and attitudes in a range of informational and imaginative texts. They create written texts such as descriptions, narratives and recounts that convey experiences, ideas and emotions. They give detailed descriptions; describe and relate episodes in time (for example, prima … poi … infine); and qualify statements, for example, through the use of relative clauses. They use simple subject–verb–object constructions, extending or qualifying their message by, for example, adding complements or using modal verbs or comparatives. They produce bilingual texts, plan what needs to be communicated to particular audiences and consider different perspectives. 

Students use metalanguage to analyse and discuss features of language choice and use and cultural practice. They analyse texts, identifying features such as tone, sequences and relationships of events in time. They communicate their thoughts with awareness of different perspectives on issues or practices being discussed. They explain how Italian language use varies according to context, purpose and mode. They identify social and cultural practices of Italians in Italy and in the diaspora, including communities in Australia. They identify particular issues relating to translating between Italian and English, such as words with similar meanings and 'false friends, and identify certain concepts that cannot be translated readily from Italian to English and from English into Italian. They reflect on ways in which language and culture together create meanings, and on ways in which their own linguistic and cultural assumptions come into play in using and learning Italian. They demonstrate understanding of the role of language and culture in shaping experience, and the ways in which their own past experiences shape their identity. 

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