Work samples

Work Studies

Year 9


Journal writing: Dress and hygiene

Summary of task

Students were part of a mixed-ability, multi-aged class of combined Year 9 and Year 10 students. 

The task was undertaken as a part of a sequence of six 30-minute lessons about potential workplace issues. Through journal writing, students were required to respond to and reflect on articles and experiences relating to issues in the workplace. The students discussed articles in a class group and reflected on their own experiences. They were supported by the explicit teaching of journal writing.

Extracts relate personal hygiene and appropriate dress for the workplace.

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 9 students understand the importance and components of self-directed and lifelong learning. They investigate the skills and personal qualities associated with a range of occupations and explain the importance of teamwork and collaboration. They identify the types and purposes of communication in workplaces, including social media. Students understand entrepreneurial behaviours and their importance for work and in addressing a range of challenges. They explain the relationships between self-awareness and career planning resources. They investigate the changes occurring in work, workplaces and work-related relationships and the factors contributing to the changes. They identify opportunities associated with these changes. Students identify the contribution of diverse cultures to work and workplaces. They describe formal and informal recruitment processes.

Students plan and implement strategies to improve their learning and strengthen their individual learning skills. Students research and analyse information, organise teams, and communicate effectively using appropriate types of communications in a given context. They propose explanations and predict outcomes. Students practise entrepreneurial skills and attributes and propose actions in response to identified work and community challenges. They research and filter relevant career information resources. Students create career scenarios and identify the skills to manage career transitions. Students collect and evaluate data and information to draw conclusions about changes to work arrangements and their potential impact on their future. Students synthesise data and information to form reasoned conclusions. Students present their findings and explanations.

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