Work samples

Design and Technologies

Years 7 and 8


Design project: Budget pants

Summary of task

Students designed and produced pants or shorts for a specified budget. They documented their work including a deconstructed design brief; mood board collage; design ideas rendered and annotated; a fashion illustration (3D sketch); storyboard; materials list – costed with receipt(s) attached; production plan (including equipment, safety, steps and time management); quality control; and production journal (including images and description).

The focus of this task was to design and produce a product for the technologies context materials and technologies specialisations.

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 8, students explain factors that influence the design of products, services and environments to meet present and future needs. They explain the contribution of design and technology innovations and enterprise to society. Students explain how the features of technologies impact on designed solutions and influence design decisions for each of the prescribed technologies contexts.

Students create designed solutions for each of the prescribed technologies contexts based on an evaluation of needs or opportunities. They develop criteria for success, including sustainability considerations, and use these to judge the suitability of their ideas and designed solutions and processes. They create and adapt design ideas, make considered decisions and communicate to different audiences using appropriate technical terms and a range of technologies and graphical representation techniques. Students apply project management skills to document and use project plans to manage production processes. They independently and safely produce effective designed solutions for the intended purpose.

By the end of Year 8, students explain how social, ethical, technical and sustainability considerations influence the design of innovative and enterprising solutions to meet a range of present and future needs. They explain how the features of technologies influence design and production decisions. Students make choices between different types of networks for defined purposes.

Students explain a range of needs, opportunities or problems and define them in terms of functional requirements and constraints. They collect, authenticate and interpret data from a range of sources to assist in making informed judgements. Students generate and document in digital and non-digital form, design ideas for different audiences using appropriate technical terms, and graphical representation techniques including algorithms. They independently and safely plan, design, test, modify and create a range of digital solutions that meet intended purposes including user interfaces and the use of a programming language. They plan, document and effectively manage processes and resources to produce designed solutions for each of the prescribed technologies contexts. They develop criteria for success, including innovation and sustainability considerations, and use these to judge the suitability of their ideas, solutions and processes. Students use appropriate protocols when collaborating, and creating and communicating ideas, information and solutions face-to-face and online.

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