Work samples

Languages: Chinese

Years 9 and 10 (F-10 sequence)


Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (F-10 sequence)

Portfolio summary

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese to sustain extended interactions with familiar and unfamiliar participants in a range of contexts (WS1). The student uses pinyin to transcribe spoken texts and uses characters to create written texts. The student identifies key ideas and compares information from multiple sources to develop and substantiate own position on topics of personal interest or issues of broader significance (WS1). The student exchanges ideas and opinions (WS1). The student speaks with attention to pronunciation and tone (WS1). The student responds to and creates a range of short informative and imaginative texts for a variety of audiences and purposes. The student uses a range of sentence structures and grammatical features to develop cohesion and coherence in these texts, including prepositional phrases to describe participants and adverbs to express time, tense and frequency of events (WS1). The student uses conjunctions and applies a range of stylistic devices such as rhetorical questions, quotes and 成语 (WS1). The student translates texts and produces bilingual texts, recognising that not all concepts can be readily translated in Chinese and English. The student engages with a range of imaginative texts.

The student recognises how writers and speakers, including self, make deliberate choices when using language features (WS1) and text structures. The student recognises that language is dynamic and is influenced by time, place, setting, participants and contexts. When interacting with a range of texts the student identifies how audience and purpose shape their own and others’ language choices and interpretation of these texts. The student explains how features of Chinese culture and language shape their own and others’ communication practices (WS1). The student reflects on how own cultural experience impacts on interactions with Chinese speakers.

Work samples