Multimedia: Media Arts

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Media Arts

The Australian Curriculum: Media Arts involves using digital multimedia to create representations of the world and tell stories using formats such as television, film, video, newspapers, radio, games, and mobile media.

In Media Arts students study, design, create and distribute multimedia works. They learn to engage with communications technologies and cross-disciplinary art forms to design, produce, distribute and interact with a range of print, audio, screen-based or hybrid artworks and explore, view, analyse and participate in media culture from a range of viewpoints and contexts. They learn to be critically aware of ways that the media are culturally used and negotiated, and the factors which shape contemporary communication through media technologies and globally networked communications.

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Exploring ideas and improvising with ways to represent ideas

  • Explore representations, characterisations and points of view of people in their community, including themselves, using settings, ideas, story principles and genre conventions in images, sounds and text (ACAMAM062)

Developing understanding of practices

  • Develop skills with media technologies to shape space, time, movement and lighting within images, sounds and text (ACAMAM063)

Sharing artworks through performance, presentation or display

  • Plan, produce and present media artworks for specific audiences and purposes using responsible media practice (ACAMAM064)

Responding to and interpreting artworks

  • Explain how the elements of media arts and story principles communicate meaning by comparing media artworks from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander media artworks (ACAMAM065)