Online safety: Ethical Understanding

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Ethical Understanding

Students develop the capacity to understand and apply ethical and socially responsible principles when collaborating with others and creating, sharing and using technologies. They build understandings and ethical behaviours regarding privacy and intellectual property rights, such as copyright. They consider the impact of digital technologies on society, the rights of others and their responsibilities in using sustainable practices. Students learn to appreciate and value the part they play in the social systems in which they operate.

As discerning citizens, students reflect on their personal roles and responsibilities, learning to detect bias and inaccuracies. Developing understandings about the protection of data, intellectual property and individual privacy within the school environment helps students to be ethical digital global citizens.

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Typically by the end of Year 10, students:

Examine values

analyse and explain the interplay of values in national and international forums and policy making

Explore rights and responsibilities

evaluate the merits of conflicting rights and responsibilities in global contexts

Consider points of view

use reasoning skills to prioritise the relative merits of points of view about complex ethical dilemmas

Typically by the end of Year 10, students:

Consider consequences

analyse the objectivity or subjectivity behind decision making where there are many possible consequences

Reflect on ethical action

evaluate diverse perceptions and ethical bases of action in complex contexts

Typically by the end of Year 10, students:

Consider consequences

analyse the objectivity or subjectivity behind decision making where there are many possible consequences

Reflect on ethical action

evaluate diverse perceptions and ethical bases of action in complex contexts

Consider points of view

use reasoning skills to prioritise the relative merits of points of view about complex ethical dilemmas

Typically by the end of Year 10, students:

Recognise ethical concepts

critique generalised statements about ethical concepts

Explore ethical concepts in context

distinguish between the ethical and non-ethical dimensions of complex issues

Reason and make ethical decisions

investigate reasons for clashes of beliefs in issues of personal, social and global importance

Typically by the end of Year 10, students:

Recognise ethical concepts

critique generalised statements about ethical concepts

Explore ethical concepts in context

distinguish between the ethical and non-ethical dimensions of complex issues

Reason and make ethical decisions

investigate reasons for clashes of beliefs in issues of personal, social and global importance