Outdoor learning: Personal and Social Capability

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Personal and Social Capability

Outdoor learning is a key contributor to the development of personal and social capability for all students. Working collaboratively with others in outdoor learning activities develops students' personal and social skills as well as an appreciation of their own strengths and abilities and those of their peers. Students develop a range of interpersonal skills such as communication, negotiation, teamwork and leadership, and an appreciation of diverse perspectives.

Learning in the outdoors gives students opportunities to explore their own identities and develop an understanding of factors that influence and shape who they are. Students learn how to recognise, understand, validate and respond appropriately to their own emotions, strengths and values.

They develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to set and monitor goals, effectively manage their time, and prioritise tasks and responsibilities.

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Reflect on their feelings as learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements

Reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school 


Social Awareness

describe ways they can help at home and school

describe how they contribute to their homes, classrooms and local communities, and how others care for and assist them

Self management

Identify situations that feel safe or unsafe, approaching new situations with confidence

Undertake and persist with short tasks, within the limits of personal safety


Social Management

Share experiences of cooperation in play and group activities

Identify cooperative behaviours in a range of group activities


Identify their likes and dislikes, needs and wants, and explore what influences these

Identify and describe personal interests, skills and achievements and explain how these contribute to family and school life