Visual Arts (Version 8.4)

Please select at least one year level to view the content


This rationale complements and extends the rationale for The Arts learning area.
Visual arts includes the fields of art, craft and design. Learning in and through these fields, students create visual representations that communicate, challenge and express their own and others’ ideas as artist and audience.



In addition to the overarching aims of the Australian Curriculum: The Arts, visual arts knowledge, understanding and skills ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students develop:

conceptual and perceptual ideas and representations through design and inquiry processes



Learning in Visual Arts
Learning in Visual Arts involves students making and responding to artworks, drawing on the world as a source of ideas. Students engage with the knowledge of visual arts, develop skills, techniques and processes, and use materials as they explore a range of forms, styles and contexts.


Example of knowledge and skills


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Foundation to Year 2

Foundation to Year 2 Band Description

In Foundation to Year 2, learning in The Arts builds on the Early Years Learning Framework. Students are engaged through purposeful and creative play in structured activities, fostering a strong sense of wellbeing and developing their connection with and contribution to the world.

In the Foundation Year, students undertake The Arts appropriate for their level of development.

They explore the arts and learn how artworks can represent the world and that they can make artworks to represent their ideas about the world. They share their artworks with peers and experience being an audience to respond to others’ art making.

As they experience the arts, students draw on artworks from a range of cultures, times and locations. They explore the arts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and of the Asia region and learn that they are used for different purposes. While the arts in the local community should be the initial focus for learning, students are also aware of and interested in the arts from more distant locations and the curriculum provides opportunities to build on this curiosity.

As they make and respond to artworks, students explore meaning and interpretation, forms and processes, and social and cultural contexts of the arts. They make early evaluations of artworks expressing what they like and why.

Students learn about safe practices in the arts through making and responding safely in the different arts subjects.

They experience the role of artist and they respond to feedback in their art making. As an audience, they learn to focus their attention on artworks presented and to respond to artworks appropriately. In Foundation to Year 2, students learn to be an audience for different arts experiences within the classroom.

In Visual Arts, students:

  • become aware of visual conventions and learn to notice visual detail
  • explore how and why artworks are created and ways to use and apply visual conventions, such as line, shape, colour and texture
  • learn how their ideas or subject matter can be developed through different forms, styles, techniques, materials and technologies
  • learn about how and why artists, craftspeople and designers present their ideas through different visual representations, practices, processes and viewpoints.

Foundation to Year 2 Content Descriptions

Explore ideas, experiences, observations and imagination to create visual artworks and design, including considering ideas in artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists (ACAVAM106 - Scootle )
Critical and Creative Thinking

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
  • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
  • Consider alternatives

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Organise and process information
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas

Intercultural Understanding

Recognising culture and developing respect
  • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
  • Investigate culture and cultural identity

  • trialling different options for designing representation by looking at artworks about a theme or subject matter, such as a ‘circus’, and make their own interpretation based on their ideas, experiences, observations and/or imagination
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Develop reflective practice

    • Express emotions appropriately

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • observing and recording the shapes, colours and textures of people, objects and concepts they experience in their daily lives, for example, drawing faces, insects, plants, food

    Recognising and using patterns and relationships
    • Recognise and use patterns and relationships

    Using spatial reasoning
    • Visualise 2D shapes and 3D objects

  • Considering viewpoints – forms and elements: For example – What colours were used? What is it made of? How is the colour used, and why is it used in this way?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

  • practising drawing images and making objects related to self, others and personal environments in different forms, for example, painting, sculpture, photography

    Using spatial reasoning
    • Visualise 2D shapes and 3D objects

    Recognising and using patterns and relationships
    • Recognise and use patterns and relationships

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Develop reflective practice

    • Express emotions appropriately

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

    Creating with ICT
    • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

  • identifying and using visual conventions in their artworks after investigating different art, craft and design styles from other cultures and times, for example, Expressionism, Fauvism, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and Asia
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
    • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia
    Intercultural Understanding

    Recognising culture and developing respect
    • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
    • Investigate culture and cultural identity

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
    • Consider alternatives
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

Use and experiment with different materials, techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks (ACAVAM107 - Scootle )
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

Creating with ICT
  • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes

Managing and operating ICT
  • Select and use hardware and software

Critical and Creative Thinking

Reflecting on thinking and processes
  • Reflect on processes

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
  • Consider alternatives

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Organise and process information
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • exploring a range of natural and man-made materials and technologies to visually express their experiences, for example, paint, pencils, ink, sand, photography and graphically
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

    Managing and operating ICT
    • Select and use hardware and software

    Creating with ICT
    • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Develop reflective practice

    • Express emotions appropriately

  • comparing the qualities and properties of materials such as paint, crayons, clay and found objects and select appropriate applications to represent something or someone they like
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Express emotions appropriately

    • Develop reflective practice

  • using techniques to demonstrate various compositional effects, for example, overlapping or crosshatching
  • following technical processes and safe practices to make artworks, for example, drawing onto Styrofoam to print on paper
    Personal and Social Capability

    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable

Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience (ACAVAM108 - Scootle )
Personal and Social Capability

Social awareness
  • Appreciate diverse perspectives

Social management
  • Communicate effectively

Critical and Creative Thinking

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Organise and process information
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
  • Consider alternatives
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

Reflecting on thinking and processes
  • Reflect on processes

  • sharing ideas with their classmates about the representational choices they made in their artwork
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social management
    • Make decisions
    • Work collaboratively

    • Understand themselves as learners
    • Develop reflective practice


    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
    • Use language to interact with others

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

  • talking about ideas such as themes when displaying artworks, for example, at the local gallery or in their classroom
    Personal and Social Capability

    Social management
    • Make decisions
    • Work collaboratively

    • Understand themselves as learners
    • Develop reflective practice

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives


    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Use language to interact with others
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

  • Considering viewpoints – meanings and interpretations: For example – What did this artwork or design make you think about and why? What figures/shapes can you see in the artwork? How has the artist treated the figures/shapes to convey their idea or meaning?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • making a decision about how to display their artwork to share their ideas
    Personal and Social Capability

    • Understand themselves as learners
    • Develop reflective practice

    Social management
    • Make decisions
    • Work collaboratively

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas


    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

Respond to visual artworks and consider where and why people make visual artworks, starting with visual artworks from Australia, including visual artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAVAR109 - Scootle )
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Intercultural Understanding

Interacting and empathising with others
  • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

Recognising culture and developing respect
  • Develop respect for cultural diversity
  • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
  • Investigate culture and cultural identity

Critical and Creative Thinking

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
  • Consider alternatives

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas
  • Pose questions
  • Organise and process information


Visual Knowledge
  • Understand how visual elements create meaning

Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
  • Listen and respond to learning area texts
  • Interpret and analyse learning area texts
  • Comprehend texts
  • Navigate, read and view learning area texts

Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
  • Compose texts
  • Use language to interact with others
  • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

Word Knowledge
  • Understand learning area vocabulary

Text knowledge
  • Use knowledge of text structures

Personal and Social Capability

Social awareness
  • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • identifying where they might experience art in their lives and communities, for example, keeping a diary of ‘art experiences’ and combining to create a class list and then discussing how visual artworks sustain and communicate cultural knowledge
    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

    • Recognise personal qualities and achievements


    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • Considering viewpoints – societies and cultures: For example – Where is this artwork from and why was it made? Who made the artworks? Where and how are they displayed?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • identifying how design elements, such as line, shape, colour or texture, are used in their artworks and in the artwork of others
  • describing and interpreting representations in a selection of artworks, for example, considering the subject matter, styles and techniques of a selection of artworks, and how the artworks make them think and feel in response to the artists’ intentions
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Pose questions
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives


    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
    • Use language to interact with others

  • acknowledging the role of artist and audience as they start to interpret meaning in artworks
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Pose questions
    • Organise and process information

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

Foundation to Year 2 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 2, students describe artworks they make and those to which they respond. They consider where and why people make artworks.

Students use the elements and processes of arts subjects to make and share artworks that represent ideas.

By the end of Year 2, students describe artworks they make and view and where and why artworks are made and presented.

Students make artworks in different forms to express their ideas, observations and imagination, using different techniques and processes.

Foundation to Year 2 Work Sample Portfolios

Years 3 and 4

Years 3 and 4 Band Description

In Years 3 and 4, learning in The Arts builds on the experience of the previous band. It involves students making and responding to artworks independently and collaboratively with their classmates and teachers.

As they experience The Arts, students draw on artworks from a range of cultures, times and locations. They explore the arts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and of the Asia region and learn that they are used for different purposes. While the arts in the local community should be the initial focus for learning, students are also aware of and interested in the arts from more distant locations and the curriculum provides opportunities to build on this curiosity.

As they make and respond to artworks, students explore meaning and interpretation, elements and forms, and social and cultural contexts of the arts. They make personal evaluations of their own and others’ artworks, making connections between their own artistic intentions and those of other artists.

Students continue to learn about safe practices in the arts and in their interactions with other artists. Their understanding of the role of the artist and the audience builds on their experience from the previous band. As an audience, students focus their attention on the artwork and respond to it. They consider why and how audiences respond to artworks.

In Years 3 and 4, students’ awareness of themselves and others as audiences is extended beyond the classroom to the broader school context.

In Visual Arts, students:

  • extend their awareness of visual conventions, and observe closely visual detail as they use materials, techniques and technologies and processes in visual arts forms
  • explore and experiment with visual conventions such as line, shape, colour and texture to develop an individual approach to a theme or subject matter
  • explore, observe and identify ideas and symbols used and adapted by artists in their artworks as they make and respond to visual arts
  • consider how and why artists, craftspeople and designers realise their ideas through different visual representations, practices, processes and viewpoints.

Years 3 and 4 Content Descriptions

Explore ideas and artworks from different cultures and times, including artwork by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, to use as inspiration for their own representations (ACAVAM110 - Scootle )
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Critical and Creative Thinking

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Organise and process information
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas

Reflecting on thinking and processes
  • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Consider alternatives
  • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
  • Apply logic and reasoning

Intercultural Understanding

Recognising culture and developing respect
  • Investigate culture and cultural identity

Interacting and empathising with others
  • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

  • researching artworks of different styles and artists from different times and cultures to inspire their own representations in forms such as printmaking and drawing, and styles such as realistic or expressive
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Recognise personal qualities and achievements

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives


    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

  • Considering viewpoints – meanings and interpretations: For example – What is this painting telling us about the past? How does the artwork use visual conventions to convey meaning? How did the artist work within a space, and at this time? How and why did they innovate their practice?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

  • exploring ways to represent their ideas using visual conventions from different historical, social or cultural contexts
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Recognise personal qualities and achievements

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • experimenting with visual conventions to create particular visual effects in representations
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
    • Consider alternatives

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

  • identifying and explaining choices in art making, including forms, styles and visual conventions in their artworks, and influences of other artists on their artworks

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Use language to interact with others
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
    • Consider alternatives

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Think about thinking (metacognition)

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Recognise personal qualities and achievements

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

Use materials, techniques and processes to explore visual conventions when making artworks (ACAVAM111 - Scootle )
Critical and Creative Thinking

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas
  • Organise and process information

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Consider alternatives
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
  • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas

  • selecting and experimenting with forms, styles, materials and technologies to explore symbolic use of visual conventions used by various cultures and times, for example, how colour and pattern are perceived as symbolic in different cultures
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

    Managing and operating ICT
    • Select and use hardware and software

    Creating with ICT
    • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

    Intercultural Understanding

    Recognising culture and developing respect
    • Investigate culture and cultural identity
    • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
    • Develop respect for cultural diversity

  • Considering viewpoints – societies and cultures: For example – What clues in the artwork tell you where it was made, who made it, and why? What artworks are you familiar with? Which style of artworks represents your community?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • experimenting with alternative styles of representation from different cultures and times in their artworks, for example, realistic, symbolic, narrative, abstract
    Intercultural Understanding

    Recognising culture and developing respect
    • Investigate culture and cultural identity
    • Develop respect for cultural diversity
    • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives
    • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

  • Considering viewpoints – materials and technologies: For example – What is the artwork made of? How does the choice of material enhance the audience’s understanding of the artist’s intention? Can you develop your ideas using different materials?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • practising a variety of techniques and use various technologies to find different ways of interpreting a theme and/or subject matter, for example, making a simple animation or storybook
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

    Managing and operating ICT
    • Select and use hardware and software

    Creating with ICT
    • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Develop self-discipline and set goals
    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable

    • Understand themselves as learners
    • Develop reflective practice

  • manipulating and experimenting with combinations of various materials and technologies to create predictable effects, for example, using crosshatching to create tone or design elements to focus attention in a composition
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

    Creating with ICT
    • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

    Managing and operating ICT
    • Select and use hardware and software

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives
    • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

  • applying art and design techniques effectively and safely, such as modelling and joining clay, marbling on paper, designing and printing a pattern
    Personal and Social Capability

    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable
    • Develop self-discipline and set goals

Present artworks and describe how they have used visual conventions to represent their ideas (ACAVAM112 - Scootle )

Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
  • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
  • Use language to interact with others
  • Compose texts
  • Deliver presentations

Word Knowledge
  • Understand learning area vocabulary

Text knowledge
  • Use knowledge of text structures

Visual Knowledge
  • Understand how visual elements create meaning

Critical and Creative Thinking

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas
  • Organise and process information

Reflecting on thinking and processes
  • Reflect on processes
  • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

Personal and Social Capability

  • Become confident, resilient and adaptable

  • Recognise personal qualities and achievements

  • making decisions about how their artwork could be displayed, for example, mounted and framed, in public spaces, on the internet, and in the media
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives


    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social management
    • Make decisions

    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable
    • Develop self-discipline and set goals

  • Considering viewpoints – materials and technologies: For example – What is the artwork made of? How does the choice of material enhance the audience’s understanding of the artist’s intention? Can you develop your ideas using different materials?
  • exploring different ways of presenting artworks in different locations, for example, in folios, digitally, in a public space in the school
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

    Managing and operating ICT
    • Select and use hardware and software

    Creating with ICT
    • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts


    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

  • comparing the visual conventions in artworks made for specific purposes, for example, how the artist represents an idea to show the audience a particular viewpoint

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

Identify intended purposes and meanings of artworks using visual arts terminology to compare artworks, starting with visual artworks in Australia including visual artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAVAR113 - Scootle )
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
  • Interpret and analyse learning area texts
  • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
  • Comprehend texts

Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
  • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
  • Compose texts

Visual Knowledge
  • Understand how visual elements create meaning

Word Knowledge
  • Understand learning area vocabulary

Critical and Creative Thinking

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas
  • Organise and process information

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
  • Consider alternatives

Reflecting on thinking and processes
  • Reflect on processes
  • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

Intercultural Understanding

Interacting and empathising with others
  • Consider and develop multiple perspectives
  • Communicate across cultures

Recognising culture and developing respect
  • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
  • Develop respect for cultural diversity

Personal and Social Capability

Social awareness
  • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • identifying meaning and describing subject matter and form in artworks from different social, cultural or historical contexts
    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives


    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

  • Considering viewpoints – societies, cultures and histories: For example – What clues in the artwork tell us where it was made, who made it, and why? What artworks are you familiar with? Which style of artwork represents your community? What are the people in the painting doing? Can you draw what you did on Australia Day?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

  • comparing artworks made for different reasons, using appropriate visual conventions, and identifying possible differences in interpretations, for example, comparing contemporary representations of locations in their community with representations by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
    Ethical Understanding

    Exploring values, rights and responsibilities
    • Consider points of view

    Intercultural Understanding

    Recognising culture and developing respect
    • Develop respect for cultural diversity
    • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices

    Interacting and empathising with others
    • Communicate across cultures
    • Consider and develop multiple perspectives


    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • examining public art in their community and comparing it to other artwork commemorating different people, times and cultures
    Intercultural Understanding

    Recognising culture and developing respect
    • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
    • Investigate culture and cultural identity
    • Develop respect for cultural diversity

    Interacting and empathising with others
    • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas


    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • writing about and discussing with others the meaning of their own artworks
    Personal and Social Capability

    Social management
    • Work collaboratively
    • Communicate effectively

    Social awareness
    • Contribute to civil society

    • Express emotions appropriately


    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
    • Use language to interact with others

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Grammar knowledge
    • Express opinion and point of view

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • Considering viewpoints – evaluations: For example – Did you enjoy looking at the artwork? Why? Which artwork do you like the most? Explain why you like it. What artworks do you like to make, and why? Compare these buildings and their relationship with the environment, e.g. the Uluru-Kata Tjuta Cultural Centre and the Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Kyoto
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
    • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia

Years 3 and 4 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 4, students describe and discuss similarities and differences between artworks they make and those to which they respond. They discuss how they and others organise the elements and processes in artworks.

Students collaborate to plan and make artworks that communicate ideas.

By the end of Year 4, students describe and discuss similarities and differences between artworks they make, present and view. They discuss how they and others use visual conventions in artworks.

Students collaborate to plan and make artworks that are inspired by artworks they experience. They use visual conventions, techniques and processes to communicate their ideas.

Years 3 and 4 Work Sample Portfolios

Years 5 and 6

Years 5 and 6 Band Description

In Years 5 and 6, students draw on artworks from a range of cultures, times and locations. They explore the arts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and of the Asia region and learn that they are used for different purposes. While the arts in the local community should be the initial focus for learning, students are also aware of and interested in the arts from more distant locations and the curriculum provides opportunities to build on this curiosity. 

As they make and respond to the arts, students explore meaning and interpretation, and social and cultural contexts of the arts. They evaluate the use of forms and elements in artworks they make and observe.

Students extend their understanding of safety in the arts. In Years 5 and 6, their understanding of the roles of artists and audiences builds on previous bands. They develop their understanding and use of performance or technical skills to communicate intention for different audiences. They identify a variety of audiences for different arts experiences as they engage with more diverse artworks as artists and audiences.

In Visual Arts, students:

  • develop understanding of use and application of visual conventions as they develop conceptual and representational skills
  • test and innovate with properties and qualities of available materials, techniques, technologies and processes, combining two or more visual arts forms to test the boundaries of representation.
  • explore a diversity of ideas, concepts and viewpoints as they make and respond to visual artworks as artists and audiences
  • draw ideas from other artists, artworks, symbol systems, and visual arts practices in other cultures, societies and times
  • extend their understanding of how and why artists, craftspeople and designers realise their ideas through different visual representations, practices, processes and viewpoints. 

Years 5 and 6 Content Descriptions

Explore ideas and practices used by artists, including practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, to represent different views, beliefs and opinions (ACAVAM114 - Scootle )
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Intercultural Understanding

Interacting and empathising with others
  • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

Recognising culture and developing respect
  • Develop respect for cultural diversity
  • Investigate culture and cultural identity
  • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices

Ethical Understanding

Exploring values, rights and responsibilities
  • Consider points of view
  • Examine values

Critical and Creative Thinking

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Organise and process information
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Consider alternatives
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

Personal and Social Capability

Social awareness
  • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • selecting and manipulating combinations of materials and techniques
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Think about thinking (metacognition)
    • Reflect on processes

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Draw conclusions and design a course of action

  • exploring cross-media effects and characteristics of representation when making artworks inspired by observation or imagination, for example, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art from the local community, graffiti art, graphic design, or manga art
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
    • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia
    Intercultural Understanding

    Recognising culture and developing respect
    • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
    • Develop respect for cultural diversity
    • Investigate culture and cultural identity

    Interacting and empathising with others
    • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

  • Considering viewpoints – materials and technologies: What is the artwork made of? How does the choice of material enhance the audience’s understanding of the artist’s intention? What made you want to touch this sculpture?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • trialling different ways to represent views, beliefs or opinions in their artworks in response to exploration of how artists communicate their views, beliefs and opinions through art
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts
    • Reflect on processes

    Ethical Understanding

    Exploring values, rights and responsibilities
    • Examine values
    • Consider points of view

    Intercultural Understanding

    Recognising culture and developing respect
    • Investigate culture and cultural identity
    • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
    • Develop respect for cultural diversity

    Interacting and empathising with others
    • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • making aesthetic choices about representation and being able to explain their choices describing the visual conventions and processes
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Develop reflective practice
    • Understand themselves as learners

    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable

Develop and apply techniques and processes when making their artworks (ACAVAM115 - Scootle )
Intercultural Understanding

Interacting and empathising with others
  • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

Reflecting on intercultural experiences and taking responsibility
  • Reflect on intercultural experiences

Recognising culture and developing respect
  • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
  • Develop respect for cultural diversity

  • enhancing and practising their art making skills in using a range of materials and technologies
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

    Managing and operating ICT
    • Select and use hardware and software

    Creating with ICT
    • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable
    • Develop self-discipline and set goals

    • Understand themselves as learners
    • Develop reflective practice

  • Considering viewpoints – materials and technologies: What is the artwork made of? How does the choice of material enhance the audience’s understanding of the artist’s intention? What made you want to touch this sculpture?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • making informed choices about using various combinations of representational elements appropriate for a concept, theme or subject matter, for example, combining realistic drawing skills with an appropriated image from the past to create new meaning
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts
    • Reflect on processes

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Develop self-discipline and set goals
    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable

    • Develop reflective practice
    • Understand themselves as learners

  • explaining influences of other artists on their own art making
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • evaluating the characteristics of their work that are more successful, and work to improve their knowledge and skills from this reflection

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes
    • Transfer knowledge into new contexts

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning
    • Evaluate procedures and outcomes

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable
    • Develop self-discipline and set goals

    • Develop reflective practice
    • Understand themselves as learners

Plan the display of artworks to enhance their meaning for an audience (ACAVAM116 - Scootle )
Critical and Creative Thinking

Reflecting on thinking and processes
  • Reflect on processes

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas
  • Organise and process information

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
  • Consider alternatives
  • Imagine possibilities and connect ideas

Personal and Social Capability

Social awareness
  • Appreciate diverse perspectives

Social management
  • Communicate effectively

  • identifying reasons for the range of audience interpretations of the same artwork, for example, Considering viewpoints or the conceptual approach of the artwork

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

  • Considering viewpoints – histories: For example – What did the artist want the audience to see and understand?
  • recognising and evaluating how culture, gender, age, time and place, among other factors, impact on how an audience reads an artwork, for example, comparing the response of different age groups
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning
    • Evaluate procedures and outcomes


    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Contribute to civil society
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • Considering viewpoints – societies and cultures: For example – What clues in the artwork tell us where it was made, who made it, and why? What artworks are you familiar with? Which style of artwork represents your community? How would you represent your neighbourhood?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

  • reflecting critically on how effectively their ideas or feelings have been expressed in their own artworks, and that of others
    Personal and Social Capability

    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable
    • Express emotions appropriately

    • Develop reflective practice
    • Understand themselves as learners

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives


    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts
    • Navigate, read and view learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes
    • Think about thinking (metacognition)

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives

  • Considering viewpoints – skills, techniques and processes: For example – How did the artist work within a space, and at this time? How have they innovated their practice?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

  • presenting their artworks using internet-based technologies, including social media
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

    Creating with ICT
    • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

    Managing and operating ICT
    • Select and use hardware and software

    Communicating with ICT
    • Collaborate, share and exchange

Explain how visual arts conventions communicate meaning by comparing artworks from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks (ACAVAR117 - Scootle )
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

Text knowledge
  • Use knowledge of text structures

Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
  • Compose texts
  • Use language to interact with others
  • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

Visual Knowledge
  • Understand how visual elements create meaning

Word Knowledge
  • Understand learning area vocabulary

Grammar knowledge
  • Express opinion and point of view

Personal and Social Capability

Social management
  • Communicate effectively

  • Express emotions appropriately

Social awareness
  • Appreciate diverse perspectives

Critical and Creative Thinking

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
  • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
  • Consider alternatives

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas
  • Organise and process information

Intercultural Understanding

Recognising culture and developing respect
  • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
  • Develop respect for cultural diversity

Interacting and empathising with others
  • Communicate across cultures
  • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

  • making discerning judgements about how they work as an artist, and what and why they design and create, using appropriate visual conventions, for example, a sculpture that expresses movement


    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Grammar knowledge
    • Express opinion and point of view

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Pose questions
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning
    • Evaluate procedures and outcomes

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Understand themselves as learners
    • Develop reflective practice

    • Become confident, resilient and adaptable

  • Considering viewpoints – critical theories: For example – Compare these paintings (one from India, one Australian). What do you recognise? What do you understand? What is new?
    • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia
  • explaining the artistic vision of artists from different contexts, particularly referencing the meaning their artworks convey, for example, Aboriginal rock art, graffiti art, Egyptian art
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Use language to interact with others
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Grammar knowledge
    • Express opinion and point of view

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas
    • Organise and process information

    Intercultural Understanding

    Interacting and empathising with others
    • Communicate across cultures
    • Consider and develop multiple perspectives

    Recognising culture and developing respect
    • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
    • Develop respect for cultural diversity

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

    Social management
    • Communicate effectively

    • Express emotions appropriately

  • Considering viewpoints – meanings and interpretations: For example – What is this artwork about? What visual conventions have been used to convey meaning? How did the artist represent their subject matter? How does the artwork reflect the artist’s perspective about the environment? How did the audience react to the artwork when it was first displayed?
  • analysing how symbolic meaning or metaphor is constructed in their own artworks and artworks of others

    Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing
    • Interpret and analyse learning area texts

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
    • Apply logic and reasoning

    Reflecting on thinking and processes
    • Reflect on processes

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Consider alternatives

    Personal and Social Capability

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • Considering viewpoints – psychology: For example – What elements are used to show excitement in the sculpture? Make a scary monster.
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

  • expressing an opinion about the way numerous artists communicate multiple viewpoints through their artwork

    Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating
    • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
    • Use language to interact with others

    Word Knowledge
    • Understand learning area vocabulary

    Visual Knowledge
    • Understand how visual elements create meaning

    Grammar knowledge
    • Express opinion and point of view

    Personal and Social Capability

    • Express emotions appropriately

    Social management
    • Communicate effectively

    Social awareness
    • Appreciate diverse perspectives

    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
    • Seek solutions and put ideas into action
    • Consider alternatives

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

    Ethical Understanding

    Exploring values, rights and responsibilities
    • Consider points of view
    • Examine values

  • Considering viewpoints – evaluations: For example – Did it make you think more seriously about the issue? Did the rest of the class understand your message?
    Critical and Creative Thinking

    Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
    • Organise and process information
    • Identify and clarify information and ideas

Years 5 and 6 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 6, students explain how ideas are communicated in artworks they make and to which they respond. They describe characteristics of artworks from different social, historical and cultural contexts that influence their art making.

Students structure elements and processes of arts subjects to make artworks that communicate meaning. They work collaboratively to share artworks for audiences, demonstrating skills and techniques.

By the end of Year 6, students explain how ideas are represented in artworks they make and view. They describe the influences of artworks and practices from different cultures, times and places on their art making.

Students use visual conventions and visual arts practices to express a personal view in their artworks. They demonstrate different techniques and processes in planning and making artworks. They describe how the display of artworks enhances meaning for an audience.

Years 5 and 6 Work Sample Portfolios