Glossary (Version 8.4)

Specific artistic awareness, or a deep appreciation of the meaning of an artistic experience through intellectual, emotional and sensual response to a work of art.

In Dance, standards of appropriateness and competency relevant to the genre/style/time/place.

In Drama, involves subjective responses to non-verbal, affective and verbal devices which can be representative of genre/style/time/place.

In Media Arts, involves engagement with and increasing understanding of how images, sounds and texts can be used to provoke responses.

In Music, involves the subjective responses by which music is perceived and judged, which can be relevant to genre/style/time/place.

In Visual Arts, the philosophical theory or set of principles governing the idea of beauty at a given time and place.

Specific shape or quality an artistic expression takes, such as dance, drama, media arts, music and visual artworks.

In Dance, the manner in which movement of the body is clearly coordinated and differentiated. For example, lifting the arm with the elbow initiating the movement.

In Drama, voice: to form clear, distinct and accurate sounds for dramatic purpose; movement: to isolate and move specific parts of the body for dramatic purpose.

In Music, the way a note is sung or played, such as short and detached (staccato), smooth (legato) or accented, which contributes to the overall style and interpretation.

Generic term for the maker of an artwork in each of the five arts subjects.

Generic term for a performance or an artwork in each of the five arts subjects. When referred to generically this curriculum uses the term ‘artwork’. Within each arts subject, the subject-specific terms are used. Artworks are also frequently described with reference to forms or styles.

The established mood or feeling conveyed in an artwork or performance.

Individuals or groups of people who experience the arts in a range of settings and contexts (formal, informal, virtual or interactive) through intellectual, emotional and social engagement. The artist is audience to their own artwork.

Particular listening skills students develop to identify and discriminate between sounds in Music. Also referred to as ear training which involves focused listening activities through with students identify sounds such as rhythm, pitch and timbre.