German (Version 8.4)

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Context statement

The place of the German language and culture in Australia and in the world
German is an official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Belgium, Luxembourg and in South Tyrol in Italy.


PDF documents

Resources and support materials for the Australian Curriculum: Languages - German are available as PDF documents. 
Languages - German: Sequence of content
Languages - German: Sequence of Achievement - F-10 Sequence
Languages - German: Sequence of …


Years 7 and 8

Years 7 and 8 Band Description

The nature of the learners

Students are beginning their study of German and typically have had little prior exposure to the language and associated cultures. Many will have learnt an additional language in primary school, and some have proficiency in different home languages and bring existing language-learning strategies and intercultural awareness to the new experience of learning German. Students’ textual knowledge developed through English literacy learning supports the development of literacy in German. Skills in analysing, comparing and reflecting on language and culture in both languages are mutually supportive. Students may need encouragement to take risks in learning a new language at this stage of social development and to consider how the experience of learning a new language impacts on the sense of the ‘norms’ associated with their first language and culture.

German language learning and use

Learners are offered the necessary scaffolding to listen to, view, read, speak, perform and write German in a range of simple classroom interactions and transactions with the teacher and peers. The teacher speaks increasingly in German in order to provide rich language input and to maximise exposure to the target language. Learners work collaboratively and independently, pooling information, language knowledge and resources to plan, problem-solve, monitor and reflect. They use modelled and rehearsed language in guided situations with familiar contexts and roles, and begin to use and adapt the language learnt to express their own personal meanings. They reflect on intercultural perspectives and their experience of interaction and make cross-curricular connections. Opportunities are provided for real and simulated interactions with other German speakers within and beyond the school community, including via purposeful and integrated use of ICT such as social media and applications.

Contexts of interaction

The German classroom is the primary context for learning, with ICT resources and community links providing access to additional resources and learning experiences. Learners may communicate with peers in German-speaking countries using teacher-guided digital technologies such as wikis, email or online chat. They may also access German-language events or resources in the wider community, such as interschool activities, film festivals or cultural performances.

Texts and resources

Learners listen to, read, view and interact with a growing range of simple texts for a variety of purposes (social, informative, transactional, imaginative, expressive). They apply learnt processing strategies, drawing on their vocabulary and grammatical knowledge and understanding of text conventions and patterns to gain meaning and to produce texts. They plan, create and present short, simple informative and imaginative texts (personal profiles, letters, timetables, poetry, songs/raps, blogs, advertisements)

Features of German language use

Students become familiar with the sounds of German, including pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and stress. They recognise similarities with many English words, noting differences in pronunciation (Computer, Buch, Auto). They approximate the pronunciation and phrasing of single words and short phrases, including distinctive sounds such as ch, r, th, u and z, diphthongs such as au, ei, eu and ie, and the impact of the Umlaut. They understand and apply elements of German grammar such as subject-verb-object word order, simple verb forms, and gender and number agreement of nouns and pronouns. Students understand that language is organised as text and that texts use different structures and language features to achieve different purposes. They create their own short texts, mainly using the present tense of regular and common irregular verbs, enriched by the use of adjectives and adverbs. They understand that language use reflects and shapes values and attitudes, and explore how language choices determine how people, events or circumstances are represented.

Level of support

Learners rely on teacher instruction, modelling, feedback and structured opportunities for practising and understanding new language. Support resources and activities include word lists, dictionaries, visual organisers, images and gestures. Learners support one another through structured pair and group tasks that have clear roles and expectations. Opportunities are required for monitoring and evaluating their language and culture learning.

The role of English

The teacher provides rich and supported German language input, using English as a medium for most explanation and discussion. Learners are supported to use German as much as possible for classroom routines and interactions, structured learning tasks, language experimentation and practice. As their first language capabilities far exceed their proficiency in German at this stage, it is likely that they will use mainly English for discussion, clarification, explanation and analysis.

Years 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


Socialise and interact with teacher and peers to exchange greetings, good wishes, and factual information about self, family, home, school and interests, and express likes, dislikes and preferences

[Key concepts: family, relationships; Key processes: interacting, describing] (ACLGEC001 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • exchanging simple greetings, thanks and good wishes using formulaic expressions, adjusting language to suit the situation, for example, Guten Morgen! Guten Abend! Auf Wiedersehen! Tschüss! Danke! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Frohe Ostern! Guten Appetit!
  • introducing and describing self, others and possessions, for example, Ich heiße … und du? Das ist …, sie ist nett.; Ich bin … Jahre alt und meine Augen sind braun.; Ich wohne in … .; Ich komme aus … .; Das ist mein Vater/meine Freundin/mein Handy.
  • interacting in class activities and (electronic) games such as Leute-Lotto and Stadt, Land, Fluss, for example, Du bist dran!; Ich gewinne! Du mogelst!
  • expressing likes, dislikes and preferences, for example, Ich mag Rot; Meine Lieblingsband heißt … .; Ich lese gern.; Ich esse gern Pizza, aber ich esse lieber Nudeln.
  • expressing how they are feeling, for example, Es geht mir nicht gut. Ich bin krank.; Ich bin glücklich.
  • exchanging information about daily routine, for example, Wie kommst du zur Schule? Ich komme/fahre mit dem Bus/Auto.; Wann stehst du auf? Um sechs Uhr.
  • sharing and comparing information about own and classmates’ interests with German-speaking teenagers, such as in an e-pal project or via social media, considering local sports seasons, co-curricular activities, length of school day, and national and regional preferences
Make plans and arrangements to carry out activities together and obtain goods or services, through transacting with others in simple and guided real or simulated situations

[Key concepts: collaboration, transaction; Key processes: planning, transacting, participating] (ACLGEC002 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • making arrangements with a friend, for example, Ich gehe am Samstag zum Fußball. Kommst du mit?
  • planning for a class celebration or performance, for example, following a model to create an invitation or program (Wann? Was? Wer? Wo?) or to write a shopping list, such as for a Grillfest
  • accepting or declining an invitation, for example, a short message, Liebe/r X, danke für deine Einladung. Ich kann am Freitag nicht mitkommen. Ich habe Basketballtraining.
  • participating in collaborative projects, for example, making and playing a vocabulary game such as Domino, Memory or Quartett, or producing and sharing a digital alphabet or number book for a younger audience
  • following procedures and instructions together, for example, participating in sport/dance/craft activities or using a recipe in German to make Rösti or Kartoffelpuffer
  • participating in real or simulated situations, such as buying a bus/cinema ticket or food, for example, Ich nehme ein Käsebrötchen; Was kostet ein Eis?; Das macht 6,50 Euro.
Participate in classroom routines and exchanges by following instructions, asking and answering questions, apologising and making requests

[Key concepts: roles, routines; Key processes: participating, responding, contributing] (ACLGEC003 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • responding with actions/gestures to questions such as Wo ist … ? and instructions such as Steht auf! Alle zusammen! Mach die Tür bitte zu!
  • using repair strategies such as asking for repetition or details of tasks and expressing lack of knowledge, for example, Wie bitte?; Welche Seite?; Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch?; Ich verstehe das nicht .
  • apologising, for example, Entschuldigung!, Es tut mir leid
  • making polite requests, including for assistance and permission, for example, Ich möchte … , bitte; Hilfe, bitte!; Darf ich bitte auf die Toilette gehen?


Identify topic, gist and specific points of information in a range of simple spoken and written texts relating to own world and that of other teenagers

[Key concepts: lifestyles, school, home; Key processes: listening, reading, identifying, classifying] (ACLGEC004 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • identifying key details, expressions and information in conversations and announcements, and using obtained information in new ways, for example, listening to an interview with a German teenager about family and completing a family tree
  • reading and viewing a range of simple texts (promotional brochures, signs, websites and cards) to obtain and compile information about places, lifestyles and events, for example, information related to homes, schools, leisure activities, climate and geography
  • locating, classifying and summarising data such as results of class surveys or information from notices, timetables and announcements, and presenting findings to others, for example, in a digital visual presentation, poster or wall chart
  • gathering information about people, time and activities in German-speaking contexts, and using the information, for example, to create a profile or timetable/timeline to show a sequence of activities/events
  • compiling a list of questions and interviewing a German speaker, such as a visiting exchange student, about family, home, interests and abilities, and presenting the responses in Steckbrief format
Present in modelled spoken and written texts information relating to own world and that of other teenagers

[Key concepts: personal world, community, presentation; Key processes: representing, reporting, speaking, writing] (ACLGEC005 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • presenting information, orally and in writing, on aspects of their immediate environment or personal world (a school/community event, celebration or excursion, or a new student), supported by the use of visuals
  • creating simple persuasive and informative texts for a targeted audience, for example, an advertisement for an event, a virtual tour of their own and/or a partner school, a notice for a school excursion, or a report on a favourite band or type of music
  • presenting statistics related to Australia and other countries, including German-speaking countries, for example, population and physical size, daily temperatures, number and type of dwellings, percentage of students learning one or two foreign languages
  • presenting the results of a class survey, for example, creating graphs and/or writing statements to report findings on such topics as the range of leisure activities undertaken by classmates; favourite apps/electronic games, TV series, food, music or pets; or amount of time spent using social media


Engage with imaginative and creative texts by identifying, describing and discussing key elements, including characters, events and ideas

[Key concepts: character, imagination, representation; Key processes: responding, describing, performing] (ACLGEC006 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • engaging with imaginative texts to respond to questions about characters, events and ideas, for example, producing a profile of a character or a timeline of the main events
  • responding to an imaginative text in various ways, such as using a thinking tool to give opinions about the characters and express reactions to the text, for example, Ich finde das Mädchen sehr lustig. Das Ende ist traurig.
  • selecting images to illustrate a piece of text, such as a picture, colour, symbol or emoticon to reflect the content or mood, and explaining choice, for example, Das Lied ist optimistisch/aggressiv.
  • listening to and viewing performances such as music video clips or extracts from films, sharing reactions with peers, noticing ideas and comparing aspects that may be similar or different across cultures
  • performing a song or poem in response to an imagined experience, incorporating actions and props to enhance meaning and to entertain
Reinterpret or adapt a familiar text and/or use a modelled structure and language to create simple and original imaginative texts

[Key concepts: interpretation, imagination, creativity; Key processes: interpreting, expressing] (ACLGEC007 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • inventing a new aspect of a text, such as a new character, a different setting or an alternative ending
  • creating own version of familiar texts to entertain others, using a model and/or a list of key words, for example, a digital comic strip or Big Book for younger students, a rap or role-play to present to parents, or a poem for an online newsletter
  • creating and performing imagined interactions, for example, between avatars (using apps) or meeting a character from a text for the first time
  • creating a profile of an unknown person, for example, based on a photo, imagining aspects such as Name, Alter, Beruf, Familie, Freunde, Herkunft, Interessen and Wohnort


Translate and interpret texts such as greetings, signs, emails and conversations, from German to English and vice versa, noticing similarities and differences

[Key concepts: representation, equivalence; Key processes: interpreting, translating, explaining] (ACLGEC008 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • translating short personal texts, identifying words and phrases that can be translated literally and those that cannot, for example, Guten Appetit! Guten Tag! Ohrwurm
  • using German–English cognates to predict meaning, for example, Brot/‘bread’, kalt/‘cold’, trinken/‘to drink’
  • recognising compound words, and collecting and analysing interesting examples (der Schulsport, die Realschule, babyleicht), noting that compound nouns take the gender of the last noun in the compound
  • translating public signs from German to English and vice versa, noticing similarities and differences
  • interpreting for and explaining to peers and family members aspects of German language and culture (in texts such as emails and conversations) that are interesting and/or different, for example, that when addressing teachers in German you use family names after the titles Frau and Herr, unlike the English use of just ‘Miss’ or ‘Sir’
Create and maintain individual and shared bilingual texts and resources such as signs, word lists, posters, games and photo stories

[Key concepts: resources, context, meaning; Key processes: explaining, comparing] (ACLGEC009 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • creating and using bilingual resources for language learning, such as glossaries or personal German–English and English–German print and digital word lists and dictionaries with examples and explanations of language use and parts of speech
  • creating bilingual texts for specific audiences, for example, a Big Book or game for young learners of German, invitations to a class event or posters for a performance, noticing how meaning needs to be tailored to audience and cultural perspectives
  • creating bilingual signs and notices for the school and local community, such as Bücherei – Library, Sporthalle – Gymnasium
  • designing and maintaining a bilingual website with a partner school or contact group of English learners in a German-speaking community, making choices about when to use German or English depending on the context, topic and nature of the interaction


Engage with German speakers and texts, noticing how interactions involve culture as well as language

[Key concepts: exchange, awareness; Key processes: reflecting, responding, noticing] (ACLGEC010 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • reflecting on choices made when using German to interact with others, considering the relationship between language, culture and behaviour, for example, the use of family names with titles (Guten Tag, Frau Stein) and formal/informal register (du/ihr/Sie), and comparing these with English and other known languages
  • observing interactions between German speakers in different contexts, noticing and recording elements that reflect cultural attitudes or behaviours, such as language associated with politeness or emotion (bitte schön; Entschuldigung; Wie schön!; Du bist gemein!), gift-giving customs, or ways of showing collective appreciation or approval, for example, applauding by rapping on surface
  • participating in cultural experiences, such as eating at a German/Swiss/Austrian restaurant or café in Australia or watching a German music performance, soccer match or skiing competition, and reflecting on cultural similarities and differences that are manifested through language
  • reflecting on how some personal or community ideas and actions in the Australian context may be perceived by German speakers, for example, being able to go camping all year round, or taking into account the vastness of Australia when planning a holiday, and discussing possible implications
  • comparing the use and cultural significance of gestures and body language in German and other languages and selecting those that can be easily incorporated into own interactions when communicating in German, for example, shaking hands as a common greeting, not putting hands in pockets while talking with someone (as this may be considered rude), and maintaining eye contact
Reflect on experiences of learning and using another language, and share aspects of own identity, such as age, interests and family background, reflecting on how these impact on intercultural exchange

[Key concepts: exchange, identity; Key processes: reflecting, comparing, connecting] (ACLGEC011 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • sharing ideas about the experience of learning and using German, including any perceived changes in levels of confidence, or in attitudes to culture and intercultural communication, for example, ‘How did I feel when I first heard/spoke German? How do I feel now?’
  • preparing a class profile to exchange with German-speaking students, showing cultural backgrounds, languages used in the home, interests and values, and using resources such as photos, captions, quotes and symbols
  • annotating a family tree with information about family members, such as significant places or languages spoken, identifying own heritage (Ich bin Australier/-in. Mein Opa kommt aus Griechenland.), and reflecting on how own background has shaped identity
  • participating in a discussion in English about an aspect of identity, for example, considering the impact of a school uniform on personal identity and exploring how German students might view wearing a school uniform
  • comparing aspects of identity that may be important across cultures, such as state, country, ethnic group, language, religion, age, gender, and position in family

Systems of language

Recognise and use key features of the German sound system, including pronunciation, rhythm, stress and intonation, and identify main similarities and differences between the phonological and orthographic systems of English and German

[Key concepts: pronunciation, spelling, intonation; Key processes: listening, imitating, recognising] (ACLGEU012 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • noticing and imitating German sounds, and developing awareness of letter–sound relationships, including distinctive sounds such as those represented by the letters ch, r, th, u and z; consonant blends and clusters such as sch; short and long vowel sounds and diphthongs such as au, ei, eu and ie; the impact of the Umlaut on a, o and u; and ß
  • applying German capitalisation rules to nouns and noticing that the capitalisation of the formal ‘you’ form Sie distinguishes it from sie (she/they)
  • understanding that β can only be used in lower case, otherwise SS, and that ä, ö and ü can be written as ae, oe and ue respectively, for example, in upper case signs or word puzzles such as crosswords
  • understanding the meaning and use of full stops and commas in German ordinal or decimal numbers, for example, die 8. Klasse; 9,50 Euro; 15.30 Uhr
  • learning to pronounce the German alphabet by singing das Alphabetlied, and using the German alphabet for spelling out names and other words
  • practising pronunciation of particular sounds and rhythms by saying tongue twisters, rhymes and short poems
  • recognising differences in intonation and rhythm between statements, questions and commands
Develop knowledge of elements of the German grammatical system, including gender and number, nominative and accusative cases, present tense of regular and some irregular verbs, personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and word order, to describe people, objects, actions, events and relationships

[Key concepts: grammar features and structures, tenses, gender, syntax; Key processes: noticing patterns, making connections, applying] (ACLGEU013 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • understanding that German has multiple words for ‘the’ and ‘a/an’ according to the gender of the relevant noun, and noticing that the articles for masculine nouns sometimes change (nominative to accusative), for example, Die Frau hat einen BMW.; Der Film hat ein Happy End
  • comparing pluralisation of nouns in German and English, for example, die for plural nouns
  • using post-nominal (predicative) adjectives, for example, Unsere Deutschlehrerin ist intelligent.; Die Berge in Österreich sind sehr schön.; Meine Augen sind blau.
  • noticing the relationship between gender, article, adjective and case when using pre-nominal (attributive) adjectives to describe people, objects, places and events, for example, Ich habe einen kleinen Bruder.
  • noticing that as well as the articles (for masculine nouns), some pronouns change after certain verbs (accusative direct object), for example, Wir sehen heute den Film.; Es gibt einen neuen Schüler in Klasse 8A.; Ich mag dich.
  • noticing that articles and pronouns change after particular prepositions (dative), such as those associated with location and destination, for example, Wir sind in der Stadt.; Die Party ist im Garten.; Wie kommst du zur Schule?
  • using common prepositional phrases formulaically, for example, nach Hause, zu Hause
  • using personal pronouns to refer to people and things, for example, Was kostet die App? Sie kostet… .
  • understanding the three German pronouns for ‘you’ (du/ihr/Sie) and when to use them
  • expressing a relationship to a person or object using some possessive adjectives in the nominative and accusative case, for example, Seine Familie kommt aus Afrika.; Ich liebe meinen Hund .
  • recognising that in German a subject + verb can have multiple English translations, for example, wir spielen can mean ‘we play’, ‘we are playing’, ‘we do play’, ‘we shall/will play’ and ‘we’re going to play’, and applying this understanding when formulating own German sentences
  • understanding the concept of regular and irregular verbs (spielen and lesen) and noticing that this is a feature of both German and English (and other languages, such as French, Italian and Spanish)
  • conjugating the present tense of regular verbs and some common irregular verbs, including sein and haben
  • understanding structures to express likes, dislikes and preferences, for example, Ich mag Tennis. Ich spiele nicht gern Fuβball. Ich spiele lieber Kricket.
  • using common modal verbs such as können to describe capabilities (Ich kann gut schwimmen., and Ich möchte and Darf ich… ?) or to make polite requests
  • gaining awareness of a limited number of routine past tense expressions including some with war and hatte and the present perfect, for example, Sabine war gestern krank. Das hat Spaβ gemacht. Habt ihr ein schönes Wochenende gehabt?
  • negating verbs and adjectives using nicht and nouns using kein/e, for example, Nein, Marcus hat keine Geschwister.
  • describing frequency using adverbs and adverbial expressions such as oft, manchmal, jeden Tag, ab und zu, nie
  • understanding the subject-verb-object (SVO) word order, for example, Ich spiele Basketball., and the need for subject-verb inversion to keep the verb as the second idea/element in the sentence, for example, Heute Abend spiele ich Basketball.
  • joining words, phrases and sentences using the coordinating conjunctions und, oder, aber
  • understanding how to form a question, using subject-verb inversion, for example, Hast du Geschwister? and with interrogatives such as wann, was, wer, wie, wie viel, wie viele, wo, woher, warum, welche(-r/s/n) and wohin
  • locating people, places and objects using adverbs such as rechts, links, oben, unten, hier, dort
  • using ordinal numbers to give the date or a birthday, for example, Heute ist der erste Ma.i; Seine Mutter hat am 22. April Geburtstag.
  • understanding and locating events in time (days, months, seasons), including the use of the 24-hour clock, prepositions such as nach and vor, and adverbs and formulaic expressions such as heute, vorgestern, früher, später, am Wochenende, in den Ferien
  • referring to quantities of people and things, including money, using cardinal numbers up to a billion, as well as decimals, common fractions and negative numbers, for example, Deutschland hat 81,9 Millionen Einwohner.; Die Tagestemperatur liegt bei minus 3 Grad.; Ich habe eine Halbschwester.
  • building metalanguage to comment on grammar and vocabulary (for example, Nomen, Verben, Zahlen, Fragewörter, groβ/klein schreiben), comparing with equivalent English terms
Recognise and use structures and other textual features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts such as invitations, emails, surveys, advertisements and music video clips

[Key concepts: text structure, genre; Key processes: analysing, recognising, organising] (ACLGEU014 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • identifying and analysing the purpose, intended audience and key features of familiar texts in German, such as signs, instructions, postcards, advertisements, songs and conversations, and comparing these with texts in own language and culture
  • examining how texts are constructed, including textual features (greetings in correspondence), grammatical structures such as parts of speech (adjectives and prepositions), and visual cues (images in brochures)
  • transforming a simple text such as a short poem into another text type, such as a conversation or a cartoon, and applying the key features of the second text type
  • understanding how to create textual cohesion by using elements such as coordinating conjunctions (und, aber, oder) to link ideas

Language variation and change

Recognise some of the common variations in German as it is used in different contexts and locations by different people

[Key concepts: variation, register, place; Key processes: comparing, observing, applying] (ACLGEU015 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • using appropriate forms of address and greetings/salutations for peers and teacher, depending on gender (Lieber/Liebe… and Dein/Deine/Eure … in a letter) and social status (Guten Morgen, Herr Schiller; Hallo, Tim!) of participants, and recognising the effects of inappropriate choices, for example, greeting peers with Guten Morgen, Frau Mary!
  • observing telephone interactions in film clips and real life and practising telephone etiquette when answering mobile phones in comparison with the family landline (surname only) and ending phone call with Auf Wiederhören
  • noticing that in public announcements and/or on the phone certain words are pronounced differently or varied slightly to ensure clarity, for example, zwei/zwo, Juli (pronounced as Julei)
  • recognising different registers, such as the different words for ‘you’, for example, Was machst du, Peter? Was macht ihr, Kinder (Klasse 7)? Setz dich, Peter! Setzt euch Kinder! Kommen Sie bitte herein, Herr Berger!
  • being aware of some regional variations in language, such as in greetings (the Swiss Grüezi and Austrian Servus) or the lack of the Eszett in Switzerland
  • comparing written and spoken modes of a particular language function such as an invitation, noticing language structures used and varying levels of formality
  • comparing the concept of diversity in accents, dialects and vocabulary in German-speaking communities with similar diversity in the use of English within and beyond Australia
Recognise that German and English are related languages and that German is an important European and global language

[Key concepts: relationships, global language; Key processes: recognising, comparing] (ACLGEU016 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • noticing that German and English share many words, for example, Computer, Bus, Taxi and Auto, and understanding that this is a result of historical events as well as the dynamic nature of languages
  • recognising that English and other languages have borrowed German words, for example, Hamburger, kaputt, Kindergarten, Glockenspiel and Mischmasch, and comparing how these words are pronounced by German and English speakers
  • understanding that English grammar used to be more similar to German grammar but that English has changed, for example, recognising the link between the Middle English ‘What thinkest thou?’ and Was denkst du?
  • recognising that the German language continuously borrows and adapts words and expressions from other languages, including English, for example, das Internet, die App, häppi, joggen, shoppen, simsen/texten, Stopp! and Sorry!
  • recognising that German is an official language of the ‘DACHL’ countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) as well as in Belgium, Luxembourg and South Tyrol

Role of language and culture

Understand that language use is shaped by and reflects the values, ideas and norms of a community

[Key concepts: attitudes, social norms, values; Key processes: observing, comparing, connecting] (ACLGEU017 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • investigating connections between language and significant cultural values or practices in Australia and German-speaking countries, for example, individual rights, shared social responsibility, respect for the environment, Reconciliation, anti-racism, ‘fair go’
  • developing language to analyse and explain the nature of the relationship between language and culture, using terms such as ‘meaning’, ‘perspective’, ‘values’, ‘assumptions’ and ‘difference’
  • examining examples of cultural representation in language, symbols and behaviour, such as die Märchenstraβe, (lack of) speed limits on the Autobahn, national flags, and the ‘visibility’ of the European Union through placement of its logo (for example, on car numberplates)
  • recognising that there are different and/or multiple expressions that communicate ideas across cultures, for example, when describing Brot or school excursions (Klassenfahrt, Wandertag)
  • exploring how origin, geography and religion are directly connected to lifestyle, daily practices and language use, for example, Recycling, Kaffee und Kuchen, Wandern, religious/public holidays, choice of Fremdsprachen offered in schools
  • participating in guided discussion on the nature and role of ‘culture’ and its relationship with language, with reference to German, English and other known languages

Years 7 and 8 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 8, students share information about their personal worlds, including personal details, family, friends, interests, likes, dislikes and preferences. They interact with others to carry out transactions, participate in class routines and socialise. They use modelled language and simple expressions to ask and respond to familiar questions and give and respond to instructions, such as, Hört gut zu!; Hol’ einen Laptop!; Wer ist das?; Woher kommt dein Vater?; Hast du Geschwister?, request help or permission, for example, Ich möchte … , bitte.; Hilfe, bitte!; Darf ich bitte auf die Toilette gehen?, ask for information, clarification or assistance, such as, Wie bitte? Hast du mein Buch? Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch?, and clarify answers, for example, Das ist meine Freundin und sie kommt aus China. ... Ja, ich habe zwei Brüder, sie heißen Nick und Max.. When socialising, they make simple statements such as Ich mag Fuβball, aber Toms Lieblingssport ist Basketball. They use key features of pronunciation, stress and intonation, including short and long vowel sounds, single consonants, blends and diphthongs, in different words, phrases and sentences, such as,ja, rot, singen, Sport, Winter, zwei, ich auch. They obtain key points of information and identify main ideas in simple texts relating to own world and that of teenagers in German-speaking countries, using contextual clues to help make meaning. They use high-frequency vocabulary to describe characters, events and ideas encountered in imaginative texts, and create short informative and imaginative texts using modelled sentence structures and formulaic expressions with present tense forms of regular and some irregular verbs, and correct word order. They use a range of grammatical elements to describe people, objects, actions, events and relationships, including articles, such as, der/ein, personal pronouns and some possessive adjectives, for example, mein, dein, sein, ihr in the nominative and accusative. They qualify meaning with reference to time, manner and place using everyday adverbs and phrases, for example, am Montag; besser; in der Schule, and link words, phrases and sentences using und, aber and oder, and other connectives such as dann, später and zuerst. They work with German and English to translate texts and create simple bilingual texts for peers and family, noticing where equivalence is not possible. They identify the relationship between language and culture, giving examples of adjustments made as a result of reactions and intercultural experiences. They explain how aspects of their own identity impact on intercultural exchange.

Students identify German as an important European and global language and that it is related to English. They identify some of the common variations in German used in different contexts by different people. They differentiate statements, questions, imperatives and exclamations according to intonation, sentence structure and punctuation. They understand and apply grammatical concepts such as gender and number, and nominative and accusative case. They identify key similarities and differences between the phonological and orthographic systems of English and German, including the Umlaut and Eszett, capitalisation, and punctuation used in numbers (ordinals, decimals). They identify features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts. They understand and give examples of how language use is shaped by and reflects the values, ideas and norms of a community.

Years 7 and 8 Work Sample Portfolios

Years 9 and 10

Years 9 and 10 Band Description

The nature of the learners

At this level, students bring to their learning existing knowledge of German language and culture and a range of learning strategies and experiences. They are increasingly aware of the world beyond their own and are engaging with youth-related and social and environmental issues. They require continued guidance and mentoring but work increasingly independently to analyse, reflect on and monitor their their language learning and intercultural experiences. They are considering future pathways and options, including how German could be part of these.

German language learning and use

Learners interact with peers, teachers and other German speakers in immediate and local contexts relating to their social and learning worlds, and with unfamiliar German-speaking communities and cultural resources through a range of physical, virtual and online environments. This is a period of language exploration and vocabulary expansion, and of experimentation with a wider range of modes of communication, for example, digital, collaborative performance and group discussions. Greater control of language structures and systems, and understanding of the variability of language use increase confidence and interest in communicating in a growing range of contexts. Learners use German to initiate, sustain and extend interactions in situations such as negotiating a resolution to a disagreement; to access and exchange information; to express feelings and opinions; to participate in imaginative and creative experiences; to develop, analyse, interpret and translate a wider range of texts and experiences; and to reflect on and evaluate learning experiences. They use German more fluently, with a greater degree of self-correction and repair, and reference the accuracy of their target language use against a stronger frame of grammar knowledge. They demonstrate understanding of language variation and change; of how intercultural experience, technology, media and globalisation influence language use and forms of communication. Task characteristics and conditions are more complex and challenging. They provide opportunities for collaborative language planning and performance, the development of translating and interpreting tools, and strategic use of language and cultural resources.

Contexts of interaction

Learners interact with teachers, peers and members of German-speaking communities face-to-face and via digital technologies. They may also have opportunities to engage with German speakers and cultural events in the wider community, such as in the media, guest speakers, exchange students, language assistants, film festivals, community events or in-country travel.

Texts and resources

Learners build on and extend their knowledge of different types of text and language functions through balancing focused attention to language forms and structures with text creation and performance. They work with a wider range of fiction and nonfiction texts, which allows for exploration of themes of personal and societal relevance, for example, global issues, identity and relationships, diversity and inclusivity. They develop additional analytical tools, including consideration of literary form and devices, and ways in which language choices empower, build identity and are influenced by audience, context and purpose. They identify how texts shape perspectives and meaning.

Features of German language use

Learners expand their knowledge and control of grammatical elements such as register, future tense, reflexive verbs and subordinate clauses. In-depth investigation of the links between German, English and other languages they know strengthens learners’ intercultural capability. They examine the processes involved in learning and using a different language, recognising them as cognitive, cultural and personal as well as linguistic. They explore the reciprocal nature of intercultural communication: how moving between different languages and cultural systems impacts on ways of thinking and behaving; and how successful communication requires flexibility, awareness and openness to alternative ways. They develop the capacity to ‘decentre’ from normative ways of thinking and communicating, to consider themselves through the eyes of others, and to communicate in interculturally appropriate ways.

Level of support

Learners are increasingly aware of and responsible for their own learning, working independently and collaboratively to address their learning needs. Resources are required to support this process, such as technological support for vocabulary expansion, graphic organisers, modelled texts, dictionaries and teacher feedback. Students require continued explicit instruction on the grammatical system and opportunities to discuss, practise and apply their knowledge. They monitor their own progress and learning, such as through the use of e-journals or folios, using these to reflect on their language learning and intercultural experience.

The role of English

While sustained use of German is expected at this level, English continues to be used when necessary for substantive discussion, explanation and analysis. This allows learners to communicate in depth and detail about their experience of learning German and to express ideas, views and experiences at a level beyond their current level of proficiency in German. English may be used in conjunction with German to conduct research, to translate or to communicate bilingually.

Years 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


Initiate and maintain interactions with peers and adults by seeking and offering ideas, opinions and feelings as well as information related to relationships, school experience, community and future plans

[Key concepts: routines, relationships, community; Key processes: interacting, participating, describing] (ACLGEC018 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • participating in conversations using strategies to sustain interactions, such as asking for repetition, clarification and confirmation, for example, Wiederholen Sie die Frage, bitte! Was bedeutet das? Meinen Sie… ?
  • discussing and giving opinions on aspects of school life, such as timetables, subjects, teachers and uniforms, for example, Wann haben wir montags Deutsch?; Ich finde Mathe interessant, aber meine Mathelehrerin ist sehr streng. Und du, findest du Mathe auch interessant?
  • exchanging personal information and views in digital communications with peers about their school, family and friends, for example, Ich finde meine Schule sehr gut, obwohl…; Ich komme gut mit meinem Bruder aus, weil …
  • describing own Wohnort and commenting on advantages and disadvantages of living there, such as whether there are sporting or shopping facilities nearby, for example, Ich wohne gern auf dem Land. Es gibt in der Nähe einen Fluss und einen Fußballplatz. Leider haben wir kein Kino. Gibt es einen Supermarkt, wo du wohnst?
  • recounting events and describing activities and personal experiences from the past, for example, Gestern Abend hat Bayern-Műnchen gegen Mainz gewonnen. Hast du das Spiel gesehen?; Wir sind in den Ferien zum Strand gefahren.
  • comparing own characteristics, weaknesses and strengths with those of others, and describing the ideal friend, for example, Ich bin fleiβig, unabhängig und abenteuerlustig. Leider bin ich aber auch stur und unordentlich.; Ein guter Freund muss treu und ehrlich sein.
  • posing and responding to questions, such as about future plans and aspirations, for example, Was wirst du in den Ferien machen? Wir werden zu Hause bleiben.; Was sind deine Zukunftspläne? Nach der 12. Klasse werde ich vielleicht Betriebswirtschaft studieren. Und du, was hast du vor?
Interact with others to make decisions and solve problems to complete tasks such as obtaining goods or services, and negotiate with peers to take individual and/or collective action

[Key concepts: roles, transactions, tasks; Key processes: collaborating, negotiating, discussing] (ACLGEC019 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • sharing suggestions with peers to organise class displays and events such as a German Kabarett or Karneval (Wer organisiert die Musik?; Wir können Poster machen), and agreeing or disagreeing with a suggestion, for example, Gute Idee!; Das ist/wäre super/blöd!
  • participating in scenarios related to travelling or living in a German-speaking country, for example, staying with a host family or using transport
  • completing tasks involving authentic or simulated transactions, such as shopping for clothes or comparing similar offers for goods in online catalogues on German-language internet sites, for example, Ich möchte diese Hose anprobieren. Haben Sie Größe 38?; 30 Euro? Das ist sehr preiswert.
  • completing an application form for services such as online memberships or for opportunities such as student exchange programs or scholarships, and explaining reasons for applying
  • discussing and negotiating a resolution to a problem, such as a disagreement with a parent, sibling or classmate about having to share a room or computer (Was soll ich tun? Ich kann es nicht haben, wenn … .), or making a complaint about unsatisfactory goods or services (Ich habe eine vegetarische Pizza bestellt, aber … .; Die Hose ist die falsche Gröβe. Ich möchte mein Geld zurück.
Develop classroom language to contribute to structured discussions and monitor learning by giving and following instructions and advice, making suggestions, asking questions for clarification, and expressing agreement or disagreement

[Key concepts: task, communication, learning strategies; Key processes: participating, discussing] (ACLGEC020 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • stating a problem and asking for advice, for example, Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen. Was soll ich machen? Wie lernt man am besten Vokabeln?
  • discussing and sharing learning strategies, for example, Lerne jeden Tag zehn neue Wörter! Ich lerne Vokabeln am besten, wenn ich sie in einem Satz schreibe.
  • participating in classroom activities and discussions to manage shared learning experiences, considering and commenting on the contributions and views of others, for example, Ja, das stimmt. Sie hat Recht. Ich bin anderer Meinung.


Access and analyse information, feelings and opinions in a range of digital, print and multimodal texts

[Key concepts: social issues, information, representation; Key processes: selecting, analysing, researching] (ACLGEC021 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • listening to and viewing short informative texts such as television news items (Deutsche Welle), promotional videos or documentaries, and using tools such as guided note-taking or a concept map to extract key information to reuse in own texts
  • gathering information from appropriate sources about a topic of interest, for example, use of technology, healthy lifestyles, or aspects of life in German-speaking countries (sporting clubs, travel and holiday destinations)
  • compiling and comparing information and views/opinions from a range of spoken or written reports, for example, from interviews and evaluation forms related to a Schüleraustausch or Arbeitspraktikum
  • listening to, reading or viewing interviews with ordinary people, sports stars, musicians, environmentalists or politicians, and summarising and recording information and opinions, for example, writing a journal entry or blog describing a typical day and working conditions in a particular profession
  • using print and digital resources such as dictionaries, grammar references and encyclopaedias to support comprehension and research
Present information and opinions in different modes and familiar text types appropriate to audience, context and purpose, applying conventions of text types

[Key concepts: content, audience, mode; Key processes: presenting, designing, transposing] (ACLGEC022 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • presenting information in a range of persuasive and informative texts, such as advertisements, websites and magazine articles, using visual images and/or sound effects to enhance meaning for different target audiences
  • explaining a procedure or practice, using simple language and supporting graphics, materials and gestures, for example, how to play a game or sport, a cooking show segment, or fashion tips
  • creating a web page for young German-speaking travellers looking for work in Australia, indicating different regional employment possibilities and providing key points of information about each region, for example, Farmarbeit in Queensland, Kindermädchen im Outback, Küchenhilfe an der Südküste
  • conveying information, opinions and ideas by aligning choice of language and text structure to topics and themes, for example, using emotive images and captions to highlight issues such as Jugendarbeitslosigkeit, or rap rhythms and slogans to provoke reactions or to entertain


Respond to a range of contemporary and traditional imaginative texts (including excerpts) by summarising, reorganising, expressing reactions and opinions, or modifying aspects

[Key concepts: themes, imagination; Key processes: responding, modifying, transposing] (ACLGEC023 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • listening to, reading and viewing digital and other texts such as songs, stories, television programs and films with subtitles, and responding by expressing views or by modifying key aspects, for example, creating a new scene, continuing the story, re-creating a video clip using parody, role-playing an interview with a character, or retelling or performing the text from the perspective of one of the minor characters
  • comparing contemporary German and Australian music by reading music blogs or online magazines, viewing video clips and listening to music stations, and identifying similarities and differences in expression, themes and styles of performance
  • writing a review of a film, television episode or performance for an entertainment guide
  • comparing Australian and German examples of a particular television genre for cultural and stylistic similarities and differences, such as the German and Australian versions of Top Gear, The X Factor/Deutschland sucht den Superstar or Home and Away/Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten
Create a variety of imaginative texts to entertain, convey ideas and express emotions

[Key concepts: expression, humour, imagination; Key processes: composing, experimenting, expressing] (ACLGEC024 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • describing an imagined experience using a familiar text type, for example, a diary entry describing the first day as an exchange student in a German school, or a ‘recipe’ for a great birthday party
  • composing and performing short songs with particular themes or for imagined occasions, for example, Liebe, Ferien, Austausch
  • dramatising a text, for example, performing a poem using a given format, such as Elfchen, a string poem or Konkrete Poesie, or imagining they are the ‘characters’ in a painting and creating a scenario and dialogue
  • creating an imaginative text to entertain a younger audience, such as a picture storybook, puppet play or short film
  • creating a digital persona or avatar in a German-speaking fantasy world, incorporating communicative styles and social behaviours observed in German texts


Translate and interpret aspects of informative and imaginative texts, identifying and explaining some of the challenges involved and adjustments required when transferring meaning between languages and cultures

[Key concepts: equivalence, representation, adjustments; Key processes: interpreting, translating, comparing] (ACLGEC025 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • comparing, analysing and explaining some common idiomatic expressions in both German and English, for example, Er hat einen Vogel (‘He’s crazy’), Kuhdorf (‘one-horse town’), Ich drücke dir die Daumen (‘I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you’)
  • translating into English a public notice or advertisement for an event in a German-speaking country, for example, Basler Fasnacht or Salzburger Jugendtag, then comparing own translation with peers’, discussing differences between versions and considering reasons for these
  • finding and comparing equivalent similes and metaphors in German and English, and suggesting possible reasons for differences, for example, so alt wie ein Baum/Stein (‘as old as the hills’), einen Bärenhunger haben (‘to be as hungry as a horse’)
  • explaining terms for common features of schooling in German-speaking countries, such as those related to curriculum or assessment and reporting (die erste/zweite Fremdsprache, Pflichtfächer, AGs, das Notensystem, die mündliche Note, der blaue Brief, sitzenbleiben), and comparing them with similar terms used in Australian schools
  • discussing issues associated with using online translators by comparing different versions of a translated text and suggesting reasons for differences and mistranslations
Create bilingual texts such as captions, glossaries or footnotes to interpret cultural and linguistic aspects of texts

[Key concepts: representation, meaning, culture; Key processes: translating, interpreting] (ACLGEC026 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • providing bilingual captions for images of scenes from Australia and German-speaking countries to explain cultural aspects, for example, bush, forest, mountain, beach or city images
  • creating websites or printed guides for international students intending to attend Australian schools, highlighting key terms and expressions associated with traditions, curricula, schedules or routines, and including footnotes as necessary
  • providing vocabulary lists and annotated cultural explanations for German-speaking visitors to events such as Australian sports days, swimming carnivals or family barbecues, explaining terms such as ‘BYO (food/chair)’
  • creating English captions, commentaries or subtitles for German multimodal texts to explain cultural and linguistic aspects


Interact with a range of German speakers and texts, being aware of audience and context, and recognising that intercultural communication involves shared responsibility for meaning-making

[Key concepts: impact, reciprocity; Key processes: evaluating, questioning, taking responsibility] (ACLGEC027 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • exploring the reciprocal nature of intercultural communication, the two-way process of noticing and responding to differences in perceptions, understandings or behaviours such as the degree of formality or directness
  • reflecting in discussions or journals on critical incidents in the course of learning and using German, for example, breakdowns or breakthroughs in communication, and discussing repair and recovery strategies and insights gained
  • reflecting on how language choices might be interpreted by German speakers and making adjustments to help convey intended meaning, for example, more often using the generalised pronoun man or a passive construction rather than du/wir/sie or (alle) Leute
  • considering how own cultural practices, values and body language may be interpreted by German peers, for example, personal space and physical contact, personal and family habits and behaviours
  • exploring and challenging own assumptions and offering different perspectives to new situations/learning/language, including challenging stereotypes, for example, by making video clips of cultural bloopers an Australian visitor to a German-speaking country might make, and vice versa
Reflect on self as a language user and discuss own and others’ cultural identity, considering how it is both shaped by and influences ways of communicating and thinking

[Key concepts: identity, culture, values; Key processes: reflecting, analysing, discussing] (ACLGEC028 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • reflecting on the experience of learning German and considering how this might add a further dimension to own sense of identity, for example, by creating a persuasive text about the benefits of knowing another language
  • mapping own linguistic and cultural profile, such as by creating a web profile or a timeline of major milestones, highlighting formative elements such as family languages, key relationships and intercultural experiences, for example, Wann und warum benutze ich Englisch/Deutsch/X? Wie fühlte ich mich früher und wie fühle ich mich jetzt als Englisch-, Deutsch-, Xsprechende(r)? Warum ist es wichtig, dass ich eine neue Sprache lerne?
  • noticing and exploring how identity is expressed through languages spoken by people in various cultural contexts, including languages spoken by classmates and family or community members
  • exploring how cultural identity is manifested, for example, through family occasions, community events and festivals
  • discussing how they would represent being Australian in a cultural forum, for example, what they would wear or take to an International Students Day function held in Switzerland

Systems of language

Notice examples in spoken German of variation in features such as pronunciation, rhythm and stress, and the use of contractions; and articulate and apply in writing common German spelling and punctuation rules, such as for commas and quotation marks

[Key concepts: metalanguage, variation, context; Key processes: explaining, comparing, imitating, experimenting] (ACLGEU029 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • recognising and reproducing rhythms in complex sentences, using pausing and intonation to signal clause sequence and emphasis
  • recognising the role of pronunciation, rhythm and pace in enhancing meaning and creating effects (mood, suggesting relationships) in spoken texts such as stories, poems, songs and conversations
  • listening to and/or viewing excerpts of authentic German conversations, noting examples of contractions and the impact of their use
  • comparing punctuation rules in English and German, considering aspects such as the distribution and functions of commas, and the style of quotation marks for direct speech
  • applying German punctuation and spelling rules to edit own and others’ written work systematically
Extend grammatical knowledge, including of cases, demonstrative and interrogative adjectives, prepositions, common subordinating conjunctions, and past and future tenses, to describe, situate and link people, objects and events in time and place

[Key concepts: grammatical systems, connections, syntax; Key processes: applying, analysing, describing] (ACLGEU030 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • specifying a person, object or place using knowledge of the German case system (nominative, accusative and dative), and using definite and indefinite articles, personal pronouns (including man), and possessive, demonstrative and interrogative adjectives such as ihr, sein, unser, dieser, jeder and welcher
  • noticing use of the genitive case mainly in written texts, for example, Deutschlands Schulen, die Rolle der Frau, der Gebrauch des Genitivs
  • understanding the relationship between gender, article and case and the adjectival ending when describing people, objects, places and events, for example, Mein Freund hat lange, schwarze Haare und trägt einen kleinen Ohrring.; Es gibt kein groβes Einkaufszentrum in dieser Stadt.
  • selecting the correct personal pronoun for ‘it’ (er/sie/es; ihn) for objects, for example, Woher hast du den Hut? Er ist sehr schön. Ich habe ihn bei … gekauft.
  • comparing the meanings and use of the German modal verbs with their English equivalents, for example, Wir müssen eine Schuluniform tragen. Man darf hier nicht essen. Du musst das nicht essen.
  • describing current, recurring and future actions using regular, irregular, modal, separable and inseparable verbs, for example, Er sieht viel fern.; Ich muss meine Hausaufgaben machen.; Morgen ist unser letzter Schultag. Wir werden nächstes Jahr in der 11. Klasse sein.
  • describing past events and experiences in the present perfect and/or simple past tense using a limited range of common verbs, for example, Ich bin gestern Skateboard gefahren.; Als Kind trank ich gern Milch.
  • using reflexive verbs in present tense with their appropriate reflexive pronouns to describe daily routines and express emotions and interests, for example, Ich dusche mich morgens.; Interessierst du dich für Geschichte?; Wir freuen uns auf die Ferien.; Erinnerst du dich an … ?
  • noticing that some verbs can be combined with a separable or inseparable prefix which alters the meaning, for example, Er kommt um 17.15 Uhr.; Kommst du mit?; Ich bekomme manchmal Geld zum Geburtstag.
  • understanding and giving instructions, applying the different forms for single/plural addressees and informal/formal register, for example, Mach dein Buch zu, Angela! Freunde, helft mir! Hilf mir! Machen Sie das Fenster bitte zu, Frau Berger!
  • linking and sequencing events and ideas using a range of cohesive devices, including adverbs (dann, früher, danach, vorher) and common subordinating conjunctions (als, dass, obwohl, wenn, weil), usually with the subordinate clause after the main clause
  • expressing opinions using, for example, meiner Meinung nach; Ich glaube, dass ... ; Wir sind dagegen/dafür, denn ...
  • asking and answering questions using a range of interrogatives, including warum to elicit reasons and wozu to clarify purpose
  • understanding and applying the ‘verb as second element’ and ‘subject-time-object-manner-place’ (STOMP) word order rules for main clauses and realising that German word order is flexible, allowing other elements apart from the subject to begin the sentence, for example, Langsam verstehe ich mehr Deutsch.; In der Schule gibt es viele Umweltaktionen.
  • understanding and using dative and accusative prepositions with their core meanings, for example, Ich komme aus Australien.; Das Eis ist für mich.; Der Junge geht zum Bahnhof.
  • understanding the meaning of and using ‘two-way‘ prepositions (Wechselpräpositionen), for example, Wir gehen ins Kino.; Sie wohnen in der Schweiz.
  • making comparisons using a range of structures, for example, Ich esse lieber Salat als Fleisch. Welches Auto ist am sichersten?; Kaffee ist nicht so gesund wie Wasser. using appropriate units of measurement, for example, for height/length, area, time and velocity (Meter, Kilometer; Quadratmeter, Quadratkilometer; Jahrzehnt, Jahrhundert, Jahrtausend; Stundenkilometer)
  • extending metalanguage to communicate in German and English about case, word order, verb tenses and moods (for example, Dativ, Wechselpräpositionen, das Imperfekt, der Imperativ, Hilfsverben, trennbare Verben)
Identify, comprehend and create a range of different text types, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts such as diary entries, letters, advertisements and articles, incorporating appropriate linguistic, textual and cultural elements

[Key concepts: text construction, textual conventions; Key processes: comparing, analysing, applying] (ACLGEU031 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • applying knowledge of the interrelationship of audience, context and purpose and using knowledge of text types and their purpose to predict the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary in texts
  • identifying how grammatical choices, words and images combine in a text to achieve particular intentions and effects, for example, the positioning of the reader in advertisements through the use of personal pronouns, imperative/interrogative verb forms and emotive language and images
  • comparing German and English versions of texts with easily recognisable language features, such as love songs or recipes, noticing differences or similarities in imagery or focus that might be culturally significant
  • analysing structural and linguistic differences through reading, viewing, listening to and/or performing texts with common content, such as print, radio and television advertisements for the same product
  • understanding, creating and transforming texts with different purposes (to persuade, to entertain), different audiences (children, adolescents, German speakers, Australians) and different forms, including digital (short speech, blog)

Language variation and change

Identify and analyse linguistic features of German that vary according to audience, context and purpose in familiar modelled spoken and written texts

[Key concepts: variation, register, style; Key processes: analysing, comparing, explaining] (ACLGEU032 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • understanding that the level of formality in a text may be decreased by using some contractions and slang, for example, in an informal conversation or email, or increased by applying key features such as appropriate layout and structure, formal register and subordinate clauses, for example, in a job application letter
  • analysing differences in register and style when using language in different contexts, for example, watching video clips showing introductions, greetings and farewells in different situations, or noticing the use of youth language in songs, graffiti and text messages
  • interpreting, explaining and using textual conventions popular with young German speakers, such as the use of contractions, abbreviations and acronyms in text messages, for example, 4u = für dich = for you, brb = bin gleich wieder da = be right back, 8ung = Achtung!, dubido = du bist doof, sz = schreib zurück, sTn = schöner Tag noch
  • identifying key differences in regional dialects and accents
  • analysing linguistic choices in situations of potential conflict involving an apology and acceptance of an apology (complaining about poor service or faulty goods, or apologising for forgetting someone’s birthday), or dealing with a contentious issue and expressing agreement and disagreement in different ways, for example, Ich bin nicht damit einverstanden;. Das stimmt nicht ganz.; Spinnst du?
Understand that language has power and changes over time as a result of contact with other languages and with influences such as globalisation and new technologies and knowledge

[Key concepts: evolution, influence; Key processes: noticing, analysing, investigating] (ACLGEU033 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • considering how language marks values and attitudes such as respect and equality, and includes and excludes, for example, the use of titles or first names (Herr Doktor Schmidt, Herr Schmidt, Georg), different words for the same entity (foreigner/immigrant/refugee), the gendered nature of professional titles (der Lehrer, die Lehrerin; das Kindermädchen), and access to community information fornon-English speakers
  • noting that although German grammar has not changed as much as English over the centuries, it did relatively recently undergo changes in spelling and punctuation in the official Rechtschreibreform, requiring, for example, β to be used only after long vowel sounds or diphthongs (Fuβball, Spaβ, weiβ), and ss to be used after short vowels (dass, Klasse)
  • investigating and reporting on evidence of current and historical influences of German language and culture in the local and broader Australian community, for example, German/Austrian/Swiss place names (Heidelberg, Hahndorf, Leichhardt, Grindelwald), food (cafés, restaurants, bakeries, market stalls), festivals and celebrations (German Film Festival, Swiss Festival, Weihnachtsmarkt), and organisations (Goethe-Institut, SBS German Radio, clubs, churches, companies)
  • considering the concept of ‘ecology’ in relation to German and other languages; that is, the interaction of the language with constantly changing environments due to globalisation, technology, and language shifts and exchange

Role of language and culture

Explore the dynamic nature of the relationship between language, culture and communication and how it impacts on attitudes and beliefs

[Key concepts: diversity, culture; Key processes: questioning, analysing, reflecting] (ACLGEU034 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • establishing a deeper understanding of diversity, and reflecting on what own experience of linguistic and cultural diversity means for them
  • sharing ideas about how culture ‘works’ as a combination of beliefs, values and practices, and examining own personal and community cultural frames of reference and how and why these change over time
  • reflecting, through personal journals and group discussions, on how learning German has impacted on own assumptions about German language, culture or identity
  • considering how the experience of learning a new language has impacted on their awareness of their own communicative and cultural behaviours and of how these may be interpreted by others
  • analysing how language use and culture reflect and construct relationships, practices and attitudes, including expressions and concepts in German related to education, social equality, national identity and commitment to world peace, for example, Fremdsprache, Ausbildung/Erziehung; Nationalismus/Heimat; those related to Ausländer in German-speaking countries and those within Germany, such as Nord–Süd/Ost–West (Ossi/Wessi) identity

Years 9 and 10 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 10, students initiate and maintain interactions in written and spoken German to communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings and information related to relationships, school experiences, the community and future plans. They interact with others to make decisions, solve problems, and negotiate and plan action in response to issues. When interacting, they use both rehearsed and spontaneous language. They ask and respond to familiar questions, for example, Wir sind in den Ferien oft ins Schwimmbad gegangen. Was hast du gemacht? Ich finde meine Schule gut, und du? Wie findest du deine Schule? and make comparisons, such as, Meine Freundin ist fleiβiger als ich. They give opinions explain problems and ask for advice or clarification, for example, Ich wohne gern auf dem Land, weil ... , Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen. Was soll ich machen? Wie lernt man die deutschen Verben?. They apply rules of pronunciation, intonation and stress, including variations such as contractions. They locate, analyse and record information, feelings and opinions from a range of texts. They respond to and re-create imaginative texts, and use descriptive and expressive vocabulary to communicate about experiences and emotions. They modify meaning with a range of adverbs and adverbial phrases, such as, Wir haben das schon am Montag mit Frau Rolf gemacht. They create personal, descriptive, informative and imaginative texts for different purposes, audiences and contexts. They use a range of grammatical elements to describe, situate and link people, objects and events in time and place. They use articles, for example, der/ein, personal pronouns, some demonstrative and interrogative adjectives such as dieser, jeder and welcher, possessive adjectives in the nominative, accusative and dative case, and a range of prepositions in everyday and topic-based phrases. They use present and future tensesof a range of regular and irregular verbs, including some modal, separable and inseparable verbs. They describe past events and experiences using the present perfect and simple past tenses with a range of common verbs. They use some common reflexive verbs in the present tense, such as, Ich dusche mich morgens.; Interessierst du dich für Geschichte? They use a variety of conjunctions and cohesive devices, for example, als, dass, wenn, weil; dann, früher, danach, vorher, to create cohesion and interest. They translate and interpret excerpts from informative and imaginative texts, identifying and explaining challenges and adjustments required when transferring meaning between languages and cultures. They explain the importance of audience and context in intercultural exchanges. They explain how cultural identity is both shaped by and influences ways of communicating and thinking.

Students give examples of how language changes over time and identify reasons for change. They apply the German case system (mainly nominative, accusative, dative) and explain the relationships between noun gender, article, pronoun, adjectival ending and case. They name some grammatical terms and their functions. They identify variations in the features of spoken and written German in relation to pronunciation, spelling and punctuation. They identify textual conventions in a range of texts and explain how they shape meaning and influence responses. They identify how features of German in familiar spoken and written texts vary according to audience, context and purpose. They reflect on their own cultural identity in light of their experience of learning German, identifying how their ideas and ways of communicating are influenced by their membership of cultural groups.

Years 9 and 10 Work Sample Portfolios