Arabic (Version 8.4)

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Context statement

The place of the Arabic culture and language in Australia and in the world
Arabic is spoken by approximately 280 million people in 22 countries over two continents.


PDF documents

Resources and support materials for the Australian Curriculum: Languages - Arabic are available as PDF documents. 
Languages - Arabic: Sequence of content
Languages - Arabic: Sequence of Achievement - F-10 Sequence
Languages - Arabic: Sequence of …


Years 7 and 8

Years 7 and 8 Band Description

The nature of the learners

Students who enter the background language learner pathway in Arabic in Year 7 may have strong connections to Arabic language and culture through family and community and varying degrees of oracy in Arabic. Their textual knowledge developed through English literacy supports the development of literacy in Arabic. Skills in analysing, comparing and reflecting on language and culture in both languages are mutually supportive.

Arabic language learning and use

Learners use modelled and rehearsed language in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and increasingly generate original and personal language. They interact in class routines and activities, expressing their ideas and feelings ( أحب جدي كثيراَ), exchanging opinions ( هذا الواجب صعب؛ الإمتحان طويل) and managing shared tasks (أولا؛ نختار أفراد الفريق؛ ثانيا نوزع الأدوار). They listen to, read and view a range of texts and create spoken and written texts to present ideas and information to a variety of audiences in different contexts. Learners work both collaboratively and independently, exploring different modes and genres of communication with particular reference to their current social, cultural and communicative interests. They explore and discuss themes, characters and events in Arabic folk tales, fables and films, and plan, draft and present imaginative texts, such as stories, plays, cartoons and comics. They make cross-curricular connections and explore intercultural perspectives and experiences through interaction with an increasing range of Arabic speakers.

Contexts of interaction

Learners come to the classroom understanding and using Arabic within the world of their experience, which is likely to be the home and community domains. At this level, possible contexts of interaction could include the world of learning, for example, discussing the shift from primary to secondary school, the concepts of home and friendship, family, shared events and leisure activities. Learners contextualise and use their background language and culture as much as possible while socialising and exchanging information. They pool language knowledge and resources to plan, problem-solve, monitor and reflect. This will not necessarily be characterised by the fluent use of Arabic, but rather by the way they use their background knowledge of Arabic language and culture in communication. Interactions are authentic in relating to the world of teenage experience, and performance based. Additional opportunities for interaction are provided through purposeful and integrated use of information and communications technologies (ICT), for example, videoconferencing and online activities such as e-learning.

Texts and resources

Learners work with a range of texts designed for language learning, such as textbooks, audio recordings, teacher-generated materials and online resources. They also use authentic materials such as blogs, newsletters, advertisements, magazines, video clips and apps. Their knowledge is extended through exploration of Arabic texts on the internet, and audiovisual materials, cultural performances, and community events and activities, such as the Arabic Film Festival. As background language learners, they are also likely to engage with bilingual, subtitled and captioned texts.

Features of Arabic language use

Learners understand and use features of the Arabic sound and writing systems, and make connections between spoken and written texts. They use appropriate pronunciation and intonation when communicating and interacting in a range of contexts, and apply spelling rules when writing in Arabic script. They explore Arabic syntax and linguistic structures and begin to use metalanguage by identifying grammatical terms. They apply elements of Arabic grammar to the production of texts, such as articles, nouns, adjectives, personal pronouns, verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs, statements, negation and questions, to describe people, actions and events ( أستيقظ في الصباح), discuss preferences ( أحب طعام أمي؛ لا أحب الأكل السريع), expand on expression ( في الطريق إلى المدرسة ), and link ideas and information ( أو؛ أيضا؛ كذلك). They understand ways in which the English language works as a system and how English is similar to and different from Arabic. They discuss the influence of other languages and cultures on Arabic language, and recognise variations in language use across Arabic-speaking countries, regions and communities. They make connections between texts and cultural contexts, identifying how cultural values and perspectives are embedded in language and how language choices determine ways in which people, issues and circumstances are represented.

Level of support

Learners have varying degrees of Arabic oracy and literacy competence and are supported through multilevel and differentiated tasks. Support includes scaffolding, modelling and monitoring, explicit instruction and feedback, structured activities for practising new language, and the use of gesture and movement. Students are supported to develop autonomy as language learners and users, and to self-monitor and adjust their language use in response to their experience in diverse contexts. Opportunities to review and consolidate are an important component of learning at this level.

The role of English

Arabic is the main language of instruction and interaction. Arabic and English may be used when discussing concepts, functions and structures relating to language use, and when exchanging and comparing experiences in learning Arabic and English. English may be used for conceptually demanding explanations and discussions, particularly when making connections between Arabic and other languages and cultures and discussing how language and culture connect to make meaning. Learners are encouraged to reflect on how they interact in Arabic and English, and on their own sense of identity from a bilingual perspective.

Years 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


Interact with peers and the teacher to exchange information about self, family and friends, routines, leisure activities, interests and special days, and express feelings, likes and dislikes

[Key concepts: personal world, leisure; Key processes: interacting, describing, socialising] (ACLARC001 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • greeting the teacher and peers, and introducing themselves, family and friends, using formulaic expressions and appropriate body language, for example,

    مرحبا؛ صباح الخير؛ كيف حالكَ/حالكِ؟؛ بخير شكراً

    إسمي عادل؛ أنا مريم

    هذا صديقي علي؛ هذه صديقتي ريم؛ هذا أبي وهذه أمي ؛ اسم أخي رامي؛ عمري ست سنوات؛ عمر أخي سنة

  • exchanging information about a range of topics, such as family, friends, routines, school and leisure activities, for example,

    أنا طويل؛ أنا شاطر؛ بيتي صغير؛ غرفتي واسعة؛ صديقي علي ذكي؛ مدرستي كبيرة؛ معلمتي طيبة

    أستيقظ باكراً؛ آكل الفطور؛ ألبس ثيابي؛ أشاهد التلفاز؛ أكمل فروض المدرسة؛ أرتب سريري؛ أنظف غرفتي؛ ألعب كرة القدم؛ أذهب إلى المسبح

    بعد المدرسة ألعب كرة القدم؛ في الساعة الثامنة أذهب إلى النوم

    يوم السبت ألعب التنس مع أبي؛ في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع أذهب مع عائلتي إلى المطعم؛ أحضر حصة الموسيقى يوم الجمعة؛ أشعر بالسعادة في حصة الموسيقى؛ أحب العزف على البيانو كثيراً؛ أتعلم اللغة العربية يوم السبت صباحاً

  • asking about and expressing likes and dislikes using simple language such as

    من تحب في العائلة؟ ماذا تحب في المدرسة؟ هل تحب المدرسة؟ أحب جدّي كثيرا؛ لا أحب الرياضة في المدرسة

  • asking and answering questions about personal experiences in relation to self, peers, friends and family members, for example,

    أين ولدت؟ أي لغة تتكلم في البيت؟ ماذا يعمل أبوك؟ أين تذهب يوم السبت؟ من هي صديقتك؟ لماذا تحب جدتك؟ ماذا تفعل بعد المدرسة؟ أي رياضة تلعب؟

    ولدت في العراق؛ أتكلم العربية في البيت؛ أحب الحلوى كثيراً؛ أحب أبي وأمي جداً؛ أبي يعمل في المستشفى؛ أمي طبيبة؛ أخي يدرس في المدرسة؛ أختي في الجامعة؛ يوم السبت أذهب إلى بيت جدّي؛ يوم الأحد اذهب إلى المطعم

  • exchanging correspondence such as notes, invitations or birthday cards in print or digital form, for example,

    هل تحب أن تأتي إلى حفل عيد ميلادي؟ سمير، أدعوك إلى بيتي يوم السبت؛ تعال نلعب معاً

    عيد ميلاد سعيد؛ كل عام وأنت بخير؛ أتمنى لك عيداً سعيداً

  • sharing experiences with family and friends in a variety of ways, for example, by recounting events such as special celebrations in conversations and through social media

    ذهبت البارحة مع عائلتي إلى المتحف؛ شاهدت مع أخي فيلماً جديداً في السينما؛ كانت لعبة الركبي ممتعة؛ كانت الرحلة المدرسية إلى حديقة الحيوان مملّة

Participate in collaborative planning, decision making and shared transactions, using different modes of communication

[Key concepts: collaborative learning, performance, presentation; Key processes: planning, listening, deciding, transacting] (ACLARC002 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • making decisions about roles, using simple expressions such as

    ماذا عن دور الأب؟ أنت لا تقدر ان تكتب كل القصة؛ أنا اكتب النصف الأول وأنت النصف الآخر؛ ليكن دوري المشتري وأنت دورك البائع؛ هل تحب أن تكون البائع؟

  • planning, rehearsing and presenting a group activity for class or school relating to a familiar situation or event such as Mother’s Day, using expressions such as

    اليوم سوف نقدم لكم عرضاً عن عيد الأم؛ شكراً لاستماعكم؛ أنا كامل وهذه لينا وهذا محمود؛ نرجو أن تستمتعوا بالعرض.

  • making collaborative decisions and arrangements using expressions of counting, sequencing and organising ideas, for example,

    أولاً نختار أفراد الفريق؛ ثانيا نوزع الأدوار؛ ثالثاً نعرض الأفكار؛ أخيراً نقوم بدورنا

    في البداية أنا سوف أجمع الصور؛ وأنت تبحث عن المعلومات في الإنترنت وفي النهاية سنجمعها

  • participating in transactions by asking for and providing information such as price, and requesting goods and services, for example,

    ما سعر ...؟ بكم هذه اللعبة؟ ما سعر كيلو البرتقال؟ بكم كيس الخبز؟ كيس الخبز بدولار ونصف؛ سعر كيلو التفاح ثلاثة دولارات

    أحتاج مساعدة من فضلك؛ هل تستطيع أن تساعدني؟ أبحث عن خوذة لقيادة الدراجة أين أجدها؟ هل عندكم الفيلم الكارتوني الجديد؟

Interact in classroom routines and activities, developing language for a range of classroom functions and processes, such as following instructions, asking and answering questions, and requesting support by asking for repetition, permission and help

[Key concepts: roles, routines; Key processes: listening, responding, contributing] (ACLARC003 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • participating in everyday classroom routines such as roll call, taking turns, giving and following classroom instructions, and asking questions and responding to the teacher and peers, for example,

    نعم؛ أنا هنا؛ حاضر؛ ممكن أن أتكلم؟ ممكن أن أقول شيئاً؟

    أكتب التاريخ هنا؛ أرسم خطاً على الورقة؛ أكتب العنوان فوق؛ إغلق الباب؛ إجلس في مكانك؛ إفتح الدفتر؛

    ضع الحقيبة على الأرض؛ إرفع يدك؛ إنتظر دورك متى يدق الجرس؟ كيف أكتب ...؟ ما معنى...؟

  • making polite requests such as attracting attention and asking for help in classroom situations, requesting repetition, asking for and providing clarification, asking permission and responding appropriately, for example,

    ممكن أن أتكلم؟ عندي فكرة رائعة!

    ممكن أن تعيدي السؤال؟ لم أفهم السؤال؟ من فضلك أعد السؤال. ما معنى ...؟

    أين أضع الصورة؟ أين أكتب الجملة التالية؟ ماذا تقصد؟ أقصد ضع الصورة تحت الكتابة. أكتب الجملة بجانب الصورة

    هل يمكنني الذهاب إلى الحمام؟ هل يمكنني أن آخذ الكتاب ؟ شكراً يا معلمة! مع السلامة؛ إلى اللقاء

  • responding to the teacher’s questions, taking turns, praising and encouraging peers, and using formulaic expressions and interjections, for example,

    لماذا تأخرت عن المدرسة؟ نمت كثيرا؛ أمي تأخرت في البيت؛ توقفت سيارة أبي في الطريق؛ أخي سبب لنا التأخير

  • contributing to classroom activities, such as by developing classroom rules, expressing opinions on procedures and tasks, and giving advice and sharing ideas with peers, for example,

    إستمع للمعلمة؛ إحترم الجميع؛ إنتظر دورك؛ إذهب إلى الحمام في الفرصة؛ أكمل كل دروسك في الصف؛ كن مؤدباً؛ لطيفاً؛ هادئاً؛ عادلاً؛ ودوداً؛ كوني هادئة؛ لطيفة؛ صادقة

    هذا الواجب صعب؛ الإمتحان طويل؛ ما عندي وقت؛ لم تصحح المعلمة إمتحان الإملاء بعد؛ الأفضل أن نوضّح العنوان؛ هذا الخط أفضل من الآخر؛ أقترح استعمال الألوان في الرسم


Listen to, read and view a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts; identify, sequence and classify key points of information such as details about people and events; and use the information in new ways

[Key concepts: information, text; Key processes: listening, reading, viewing, locating, transposing] (ACLARC004 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • listening to and viewing texts such as stories, songs, notices or video clips and identifying key points of information, using intonation and visual cues such as gestures and facial expressions to assist understanding
  • identifying letters, words and phrases in written Arabic, for example, titles, labels and captions
  • participating in shared reading of print and digital texts such as short stories or other texts relating to familiar events and contexts, using pictures, intonation and contextual cues to predict meaning and identify key information
  • locating and sequencing information used to describe people and events, for example,

    البنت تدرس؛ الولد يساعد أمه؛ الأب ينظف الحديقة؛ في الصباح أمي تحضر الفطور؛ في المساء أبي ينظف السيارة

  • responding to questions that elicit details such as colour, quantity and place about participants and objects, for example,

    ما لون الفستان ؟ لون الفستان أحمر؛ ما لون المقلمة؟ لون المقلمة أحمر

    كم عدد الأقلام؟ كم كتابا يوجد هنا؟ يوجد أربعة كتب

    أين تعمل أمك؟ تعمل أمي في المستشفى؛ يدرس أخي في المدرسة

  • classifying and categorising information gained from others, such as favourite foods and places to visit, for example,

    سالم يحب التبولة؛ عادل يحب الدجاج؛ سعاد تفضل الخضار؛ علي يحب كرة القدم؛ ماجد يفضل السباحة؛ رامي يفضل العزف على الغيتار

    تحب البنات الموسيقى بينما الأولاد يحبون الرياضة

  • listening to short spoken texts with unfamiliar language, and identifying specific details, for example, the name and number on a recorded voice message


    إسمي سهام

    اود التكلم مع سامر بخصوص الإمتحان

    أرجو الإتصال بي على الرقم 0456566777

  • gathering information about other peers’ activities through conducting interviews about weekend activities and selecting specific information to use in a short report
Convey and present ideas and information obtained from different sources relating to home, school, leisure and interests

[Key concepts: information, text, personal world; Key processes: presenting, conveying, reporting] (ACLARC005 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • describing personal possessions and classroom items using simple sentences, for example,

    حقيبتي كبيرة وثقيلة؛ صفي صغير وجميل؛ طاولة المعلمة غير مرتبة؛ النافذة في الصف مكسورة؛ عندنا لوح ذكي جديد في الصف؛ صديقي وليد يجلس معي

  • reporting on information gathered from peers using simple structures such as

    وليد لا يحب الرياضيات ولا القراءة؛ عند فادية أخ صغير في المدرسة؛ فاطمة تسكن في شقة؛ مازن يحب الديناصورات

  • contributing to a class photo story, such as by writing or reading aloud captions to own photos and other aspects of personal information, for example,

    هذه أنا عندما كان عمري أربع سنوات؛ كان شعري طويلاً؛ هذا مازن؛ كان يبكي في الصباح؛ على حقيبتي صورة أميرة؛ هاني يحب أفلام الحركة؛ هذه أنا أكتب الحروف؛ هذا شادي يشاهد التلفاز؛ هذه عبير تشرب العصير

  • using simple sentence structures, familiar vocabulary and supporting resources to describe immediate environment, family members and friends, and discussing relationships and personal information relating to own background and experiences, for example,

    وليد عنده ثلاث أخوات وأخ صغير؛ يسكن وليد في منطقة ريفية في بيت كبير مع عائلته؛ جاء وليد من مصر عندما كان عمره أربع سنوات؛ يحب وليد بيته وعائلته كثيراً

  • creating a class book, visual/digital display or collection related to a school excursion or camp
  • presenting information in spoken or written form about own and peers` leisure activities, describing experiences and expressing feelings, for example,

    ألعب كرة القدم جيداً؛ أسبح بمهارة؛ اقرأ بطلاقة؛ ألعب الألعاب الإلكترونية كثيراً؛ سمير يلعب التنس

    عندما أعزف الموسيقى أشعر بالفرح؛ بالحزن؛ بالملل؛ بالنشاط؛ بالسعادة؛ أحب الرسم


Participate in imaginative experience by listening to, viewing and reading texts, such as songs, cartoons, folk tales and other stories, and sharing opinions, ideas and responses relating to characters, settings and events

[Key concepts: imagination, plot, tradition, character, message; Key processes: identifying, relating, describing] (ACLARC006 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • participating in shared reading of imaginative texts, sharing opinions and responding to questions
  • responding to imaginative texts such as stories, rhymes and songs through play-acting, or using illustrations, captions and movement, or miming favourite characters
  • listening to, reading and viewing a range of texts in print, digital and oral formats, and participating in guided discussion, for example, by responding to questions about characters, ideas and events
  • discussing imaginative texts and making short statements about aspects such as characters, settings or events
  • listening to and viewing imaginative texts such as folk tales and fables and sharing opinions or feelings about them using expressions such as

    أحبّ قصة علاء الدين لأنها مسلية؛ قصة علاء الدين مملّة لأنها قديمة

  • describing characters, events or contexts in different types of imaginative texts such as films and cartoons, and listing words or expressions associated with a character’s personality and explaining how they can relate to them, for example,

    أنا أحبّ دور الولد في الفيلم لأنّه شقيّ مثلي؛ البنت غيورة جداً؛ الأب في الفيلم حنون مثل أبي

  • comparing favourite characters or events in imaginative texts such as cartoons, stories or digital games using expressions such as

    البنت في القصة أفضل من أخيها لأنها صادقة ولا تكذب؛ عادل صديق مخلص أكثر من سمير

Create and adapt texts with imaginary scenarios, characters and events, using modelled language and different modes of presentation

[Key concepts: imagination, genre, performance; Key processes: creating, experimenting, presenting] (ACLARC007 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • creating own version of a story by sequencing a series of pictures with captions or by creating a storyboard with labels using modelled language, for example,

    استيقظ سامر صباحاً؛ غسل وجهه؛ بعدها ذهب إلى...؛ في طريقه شاهد ... في النهاية عاد إلى ...

  • creating and presenting own story in digital form based on imaginary scenarios, using familiar contexts and modelled language, for example,

    في يوم من الأيام؛ كان هناك...؛ كان يوجد مرة...

  • producing and presenting picture/digital books or short plays or animations that use familiar Arabic words and expressions
  • creating and performing alternative versions or endings of known stories, using voice, rhythm and gestures to animate characters
  • creating and performing alternative versions of known songs or raps by creating new lyrics and using new voices to convey mood
  • composing, performing or filming texts for own and others’ enjoyment and interest, for example, a description of an imaginary character or animal, a commercial for a new product, a short film, or a poster advertising an event


Translate and interpret short spoken and written texts, such as dialogues, speeches, labels, signs and messages, from Arabic into English and vice versa, using contextual cues and textual features, and recognising aspects that are similar or different in each language

[Key concepts: equivalence, difference, context; Key processes: translating, interpreting, comparing, explaining] (ACLARC008 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • demonstrating and explaining hand gestures and facial expressions that can be used without language to convey meaning
  • using a picture or digital dictionary to find the meanings of words and expressions used in class, comparing English and Arabic versions of each word
  • comparing Arabic expressions used in everyday interactions such as greetings with equivalent English expressions, identifying differences and similarities that reflect cultural associations or nuances, for example,

    مرحبا؛ كيف حالك؟ السلام عليكم؛ سلام ونعمة؛ صباح الخير؛ صباح النور

  • interpreting Arabic expressions in dialogues and speeches and discussing how these expressions reflect aspects of Arabic language and culture, for example,

    لا؛ حقاً؟ يا إلهي! كلامك عجيب! لا لا قل لي الحقيقة؛ صدقني يا سامي!؛ مع السلامة؛ الله معك؛ الرب معك

  • translating texts such as labels, public signs and messages from Arabic into English and vice versa to identify differences in elements of language structure and vocabulary use, for example, ‘no parking’, ‘no dogs’, ‘no-smoking zone’, ‘insert card’
  • creating Arabic versions of school signs, notices, timetables and class rules, and considering why some words and expressions require flexibility in translation, for example, ‘the oval’, ‘the office’, ‘the canteen’, ‘out of bounds’, ‘no hat, no play’
Create bilingual texts such as posters, games and signs for the classroom and school community, making decisions about words and expressions that do not readily translate

[Key concepts: bilingualism, audience, meaning; Key processes: translating, reasoning, explaining] (ACLARC009 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • creating a digital bilingual dictionary for classroom use
  • making bilingual greeting cards for family celebrations such as Mother’s Day, using greetings in Arabic alongside English ones, for example,

    عيد أم سعيد؛ عيد أم مبارك؛ كل عام وأنت بخير؛ كل عام وأنت بألف خير؛ دمت لي سالمة

  • creating captions in Arabic and in English for a display of a class event or experience such as a sports day or school concert
  • producing a parallel bilingual word list by relating known Arabic words or expressions to English equivalents and vice versa, noticing that direct translation is sometimes inappropriate
  • designing bilingual texts such as posters or signs for class or school assembly performances, a sports carnival, displays or events
  • creating parallel lists of informal Arabic and English expressions for own use in everyday interactions with friends and family, including expressions drawn from various Arabic dialects represented within the classroom, for example, ‘see you later’, ‘no worries’
  • composing bilingual texts such as a board game or an instruction manual for a game


Reflect on personal responses and reactions during interactions in Arabic, recognising how interaction involves culture as well as language

[Key concepts: intercultural exchange, language, culture, response; Key processes: identifying, reflecting, explaining] (ACLARC010 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • discussing their own level of comfort with using particular gestures when interacting across cultures, for example, making or not making eye contact when communicating with older people, kissing on the cheek, and hugging or not hugging when greeting someone
  • sharing with peers how it feels to use Arabic and English in different contexts, for example, at home, at school and in the Arabic-speaking community, reflecting on instances when these interactions have felt comfortable, awkward or difficult and explaining why this might be the case
  • developing language to describe personal reactions to and feelings about intercultural experiences, for example,

    أشعر بالراحة عندما...؛ لا أشعر بالراحة عندما...؛ أشعر بالخجل حين...؛ أشعر بالحزن...؛ أشعر بالتعب...

  • noticing how their Arabic/Lebanese/Egyptian/Iraqi culture influences their linguistic choices, for example, changing terms of address and level of formality depending on the context of interaction and the relationship between participants, such as the use of ‘عم؛ خالة’ or title plus first name, for example, سيدة هناء؛ عم كريم؛ إستاذ هاني, when addressing people formally
  • discussing how language reflects cultural concepts and values, for example, the importance of seeking agreement and compromise as reflected in the way Arabic people express disagreement ( بالرغم من إحترامي لك؛ لا اتفق معك), the importance of respect as seen in the way Arabic people greet each other or when showing emotion by hugging and tapping on shoulders
Reflect on own identity, including aspects that relate to personal observations, experiences and feelings, and recognise how elements of identity such as family background, school and interests impact on intercultural exchange

[Key concepts: self, profile, identity; Key processes: recognising, relating, discussing] (ACLARC011 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • mapping their own linguistic and cultural profiles, for example, by creating a timeline or web profile to highlight formative elements such as family languages, traditions and beliefs, key relationships and intercultural experiences
  • identifying events, relationships and experiences that have contributed to building a personal and/or collective sense of identity, for example,

    مكان الولادة؛ جنسية الأهل؛ أسس القيم التي تربّى عليها؛ المجموعات أو الفرق التي ينتمي إليها مثل فريق كرة القدم؛ فرقة الرقص؛ فريق التمثيل المدرسي؛ فريق المناظرات

  • identifying aspects of personal identity such as age, gender and social status that are important when interacting in Arabic, for example, using the correct personal pronouns to address elderly people (أنتَ/أنتِ), shaking or not shaking hands depending on gender, and the number of kisses on the cheek
  • comparing cultural and intercultural experiences and language capabilities with peers, and exchanging views on the benefits of being bilingual

Systems of language

Understand features of the Arabic sound system, including intonation and pronunciation, and how these are represented in written form, and apply writing conventions to form letters, words and texts

[Key concepts: alphabetical systems, writing conventions, sound and letter differentiation; Key processes: distinguishing, relating, applying] (ACLARU012 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • exploring the Arabic alphabet and script, noticing that sounds differ in both systems, for example, خ؛ ح؛ ط؛ ظ؛ ع؛ غ؛ ص؛ ض؛ ق, and that letters are joined in different ways to make words, for example,

    باب؛خال ؛ حال ؛ هذا؛ هي؛

  • discriminating between simple vowels, for example, تَ؛ تِ؛ تُ, long vowels such as تا؛ تي؛ تو, and consonant letters in a syllable block
  • recognising that letters change form depending on their place in the word, for example,

    ح: حصان؛ محب؛ سامح؛ ي: يد؛ لين؛ سامي

  • inferring from familiar sounds and contexts how to spell new words, for example, predicting how to spell هادي؛ وادي؛ شادي having learnt how to spell فادي
  • noticing that vocalisation such as َ؛ ِ؛ ُ may change the function of the word depending on where it is placed, for example, كَتَبَ؛ كُتُب؛ لَعِبَ؛ لُعَب
  • comparing the different ways to write the letter (أ), for example, ى؛ ؤ؛ئ أ, أ؛إ؛آ
  • pronouncing words following basic pronunciation rules
  • recognising the different ways of sounding the long vowel (ا), for example, ندا؛ ندى؛ لذا؛ لدى؛ متى؛ فتى, and writing the ء, for example, شيء؛ قراءة؛ مسؤول recognising variations in forms of spoken Arabic associated with particular regions, such as the pronunciation of رِز and سِكر in the Levant compared with سُكر and رُز in other Arabic-speaking regions
Understand and use aspects of key grammatical forms and structures in spoken and written texts, such as articles, nouns, adjectives, personal pronouns, verbs and verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs, statements, negation and questions, and use vocabulary that relates to familiar environments and activities

[Key concepts: grammar, syntactic relationship; Key processes: understanding, applying, comparing] (ACLARU013 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • learning frequently used words related to the home and school environment, for example,

    بيت؛ عائلة؛ أب؛ أم؛ إخوة؛ معلمة؛ مدرسة؛ حصّة؛ صف؛ كتاب؛ دراسة؛ فرصة؛ وقت فراغ؛ ايام الأسبوع

  • understanding the effect of word order in phrases and sentences, for example,

    الجملة الفعلية: كتب الولد القصة؛ جاءت البنت إلى المدرسة؛ يعمل أبي في المطار

  • recognising the different parts of speech and categorising words into groups, for example, الاسم؛ الفعل ؛ الصّفة؛ الحرف
  • recognising definite and indefinite articles with nouns and knowing that nouns have a gender, for example, تلميذ/التلميذ؛ مُعلّمة العلوم؛ المعلمة
  • understanding that adjectives have a gender and that they follow the noun and its gender, for example, الأب حنون؛ الأم جميلة؛ الكرسي كبير؛ الطاولة صغيرة
  • describing aspects of own daily activities, using simple present tense verbs, for example, أستيقظ في الصباح؛ اتناول الفطور؛ أستقلّ الباص؛ أدخل الصف؛ أكمل الواجب؛ ألبس ثيابي
  • understanding and using simple verbs to express likes and dislikes, for example, أحب طعام أمي؛ لا أحب الأكل السريع؛ أحب الرياضة ولا أحب الرسم
  • using demonstrative pronouns to identify people, objects or animals, for example, هذا كتاب؛ هذه مسطرة
  • using singular possessive pronouns, for example, بيتي؛ سريري؛ معلمتي؛ غرفتكَ؛ كتابكِ؛ حقيبتها؛ دفتره
  • using singular personal pronouns, both masculine and feminine, with appropriate simple present tense verbs to describe aspects of home or school life, for example, تحبّ أمي العمل؛ هي نشيطة؛ يحب أبي الطبخ؛ هو ماهر
  • understanding and responding to basic familiar instructions using imperatives, for example, إفتح الباب؛ أجلس في مكانك؛ لا تتكلم دون إذن؛ نظّف غرفتك؛ اكمل عملك
  • exploring the use of simple conjunctions such as و؛ أو؛ أيضا؛ كذلك
  • using adverbs of place and time to expand expression, for example,

    باكراً؛ صباحاً؛ بعيداً ؛ قريباً؛ شرقاً؛ غرباً

  • understanding and using singular nouns and regular plural noun endings in masculine and feminine forms, for example, معلم/معلمون؛ معلمة/معلمات؛
  • expressing negation in simple sentences, for example, لا أحب السفر؛ ليس لدي إخوة
  • using a range of adjectives in singular form to describe appearance, feelings and personalities, for example,

    أمي طويلة وأبي وسيم؛ صديقي سعيد ومعلمتي حزينة؛ أخي ظريف وأختي مزعجة

  • using past tense verbs to recount events related to home and school contexts, for example,

    قدمت فرضي للمعلمة؛ تأخرت عن الدرس؛ نمت متأخرا؛ نسيت كتبي في البيت

  • understanding and using simple question words in their interactions with peers, for example,

    متى أتيت إلى البيت؟ من أعدّ لك الفطور؟ ماذا احضرتِ للغداء؟ كيف أتيت إلى المدرسة؟

  • developing knowledge of cardinal and ordinal numbers to describe time and date, for example, (آذار) الساعة الواحدة ظهراً؛ اليوم السادس من إبريل (نيسان)/اليوم أربعة مارس
  • applying rules of present tense verb conjugation when speaking to peers and the teacher, for example,

    أنتَ تدرس كثيرا؛ أنتِ تلعبين مع غيري؛ أنتم تلاميذ مجتهدون

  • building metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and develop learning resources, for example, verb charts, vocabulary lists, and groups of pronouns, adverbs or adjectives
Identify the structure and textual features of a range of personal, informative and imaginative texts, and recognise how these contribute to meaning

[Key concepts: meaning, genre, structure; Key processes: identifying, sequencing, organising] (ACLARU014 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • understanding that texts in Arabic can be short or long, spoken, written, digital, visual or multimodal, for example, labels, stories, signs, songs and captions
  • understanding that texts have a purpose, for example, train timetables indicate the time the train arrives or departs the station, recounts describe past events and experiences, greeting cards convey feelings, and labels tell us information about an item
  • recognising how elements of texts such as the title, layout and the size of the script all combine to make meaning
  • identifying and comparing the features of different types of texts, observing similar patterns and identifying differences, for example, the opening and the signature of an email and a letter, a description in a recount and in a diary entry
  • identifying the purpose, context and audience of a range of familiar texts, for example, songs, poems, short plays and video clips
  • comparing texts on a common topic, for example, a print report, a television report and an internet announcement about an accident, and discussing how features of texts assist in making meaning
  • describing key features of different types of texts and discussing audience and purpose, for example, a shopping list serves as a reminder to self to purchase particular items, while a permission note seeks permission to do or have something
  • analysing how different types of texts in Arabic create specific effects through the use of different language features, for example, the use of superlatives in advertisements designed to persuade, or the use of repetition for emphasis in speeches

Language variation and change

Understand that spoken and written Arabic varies according to regions and countries, and according to context, situations and relationships

[Key concepts: variation, dialect, context; Key processes: identifying, distinguishing, relating, analysing] (ACLARU015 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • recognising that forms of address and greetings may vary according to the time of day, gender, a person’s background and the social status of the participants, for example,

    مرحبا؛ أهلاً؛ صباح الخير/ مساء الخير؛ سلام ونعمة؛ السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته؛ سلام الرب معك

    سيد أمين؛ الآنسة هالة؛ ؛ الأستاذ فارس

  • recognising that informal forms of address are commonly used and are accepted as the norm in various Arabic-speaking communities, for example,

    عم جوزيف؛ عمة سناء؛ خالة عبير؛ ست صباح؛ عم سليم

  • identifying how they communicate with their family and friends and with people less close to them, noticing differences in word choice and language use and communicative behaviour
  • explaining how their spoken language at home may differ from the language spoken in class, and recognising similarities and differences between various dialects represented within the classroom
  • understanding that the Arabic language has a standard form called Al Fusha, اللغة العربية الفصحى, which is mainly used in writing, and a range of oral dialects that differ greatly from region to region, for example, regional dialects from Lebanon, Palestine, Morrocco, Iraq, Egypt
  • understanding how gestures and tone are used to change the meaning of speech, and how the purpose of interactions, such as to command or invite, would change the emphasis on words being used, for example,

    زينب؛ تعالي! تعالي يا زينب. ضع الكتاب على الطاولة؛ الكتاب؛ ضعه على الطاولة الآن!

Understand that the Arabic language has changed and continues to change through interaction with other languages and cultures

[Key concepts: change, language contact, intercultural contact; Key processes: observing, identifying, classifying] (ACLARU016 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • recognising that Arabic has borrowed many words from English, for example, إنترنت؛ كومبيوتر؛ تلفاز؛, and English has borrowed words from Arabic, such as ‘admiral’, ‘alcohol’, ‘algebra’, ‘coffee’, ‘genie’, ‘hazard’ and ‘sultan’
  • recognising that Arabic as a language has experienced many changes over time and that classical Arabic is only used in ancient literature and religious texts
  • understanding that Arabic, like all languages, is constantly expanding to include new words and expressions through interaction with other languages and cultures, for example, التواصل الإجتماعي؛ دردشة على الإنترنت؛
  • recognising that the Arabic alphabet has similarities with the Aramaic alphabet system (alpha being the first letter, and beta the second), and that the Arabic ordering system أ؛ ب؛ ج؛ د is based on the Aramaic alphabet
  • recognising that many words in Arabic are borrowed from indigenous languages of the Arabic-speaking world such as Aramaic, for example, أب؛ رأس؛ دم؛ أخ؛ أخت؛ شمس؛ لسان؛ أنا؛ أنت؛ هو؛ نحن؛ كلب؛ بيت؛ سمع؛ كتاب, and that many colloquial words, for example, بوظة؛ دولاب؛ دولمة؛ بسطرمة؛, are borrowed from regional languages such as Persian and Turkish

Role of language and culture

Explore how language use reflects one’s thoughts, perceptions and culture, recognising that language and culture are interrelated systems for meaning-making

[Key concepts: perception, influence; Key processes: reflecting, discussing, questioning, making meaning] (ACLARU017 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • exploring the meaning of ‘culture’, and understanding that it involves visible elements, such as ways of eating and behaving, and invisible aspects, such as how people live, what they value and how they think of themselves and others
  • noticing similarities and differences between naming systems across languages represented in the classroom, and noticing that Arabic-speaking students may have names from other cultures and languages
  • understanding that particular Australian-English terms and expressions have no equivalent in Arabic, for example, ‘billabong’ and ‘the bush’, and that terms such as ‘the movies’, ‘footy’ and ‘backyard’ reflect aspects of Australian lifestyles
  • recognising and explaining to others the significance of some common Arabic cultural practices and events, such as offering visitors food and drink, for example,

    تفضل صحة وهنا؛ بالهناء والشفاء

  • exploring the importance of music and traditional dance in some Arabic cultures as an expression of identity and emotions, for example,

    الدبكة الفلسطنية والعراقية؛ والرقص الفلكلوري

  • exploring words or expressions commonly used in informal Australian interactions, and deciding how to interpret or explain them to young Arabic speakers, for example, ‘mate’, ‘fair dinkum’

Years 7 and 8 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 8, students use written and spoken Arabic to exchange information about their personal worlds and to express feelings, likes and dislikes. They use formulaic language for a range of classroom functions and processes, such as asking and responding to questions, following instructions, requesting repetition and asking for permission and assistance, for example, متى أكملت البحث؟؛ من ساعدك في إكمال الواجب المدرسي؟؛ هل يمكن أن تعيد السؤال؟؛ لو سمحت؛ ممكن أن أستخدم الهاتف؟؛ من فضلك ممكن أن تساعدني في حمل صندوق الكتب؟. Students use rehearsed and some spontaneous language to engage in planning, transacting, making arrangements and negotiating. They apply features of pronunciation and rhythm in spoken Arabic to a range of sentence types. They locate, classify and sequence key points of information from a range of sources and communicate information and ideas related to home, school, leisure and interests using different modes of presentation. They share their responses to different imaginative texts by expressing feelings and ideas about the ways in which characters, settings and events are represented. Students use modelled language to create imaginative texts or alternative versions of texts they have listened to, read or viewed. They use key grammatical forms and structures in spoken and written texts, such as articles, nouns, adjectives, personal pronouns, verbs and verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs (for example, ال التعريف البيت؛ المدرسة؛ الدراسة؛ العائلة؛ المواد الدراسية؛الهوايات كبير/كبيرة؛ طويل/طويلة؛ ممتع/ممتعة؛ مفيد/مفيدة؛ مدرستي كبيرة؛ عائلتي صغيرة؛ بيتي واسع؛ شارعنا ضيق؛, أنتَ؛ أنتِ؛ أنتم؛ هو؛ هي؛ هم؛ أذهب إلى المدرسة؛ نذهب إلى السينما؛ ذهبت إلى السينما؛ ذهبنا إلى زيارة الأقارب و؛ أو؛ كذلك؛ أيضاً؛ لأنّ يوميا؛ غالبا؛ أحيانا؛ بكيت بشدّة؛ تكلمت بحماسٍ؛ إستيقضت متأخراً؛ وصلت إلى المسرح باكراً ),They apply writing conventions to written texts, such as لا أستطيع أن أكمل البحث؛ لم أستطع أن أجيب على جميع أسئلة الإمتحان أين تتمرن لكرة القدم؟ متى تلعب الرياضة؟ ما هي مادتك المفضلة؟ كم شخص يوجد في عائلتك؟ إستخدام العنوان؛ الفقرات؛ الفواصل؛ أدوات الترقيم؛ التوقيع في خاتمة الرسالة. They use contextual cues and textual features to translate and interpret everyday texts from Arabic into English and vice versa, and identify similarities and differences in translation. They create texts in Arabic and English, identifying words and expressions that do not readily translate, such as بالهناء والشفاء؛ والله ولي التوفيق. They compare ways of communicating in Arabic and English and explain how their own biography influences their cultural identity and ways of communicating.

Students identify and apply the writing conventions of the Arabic alphabet and script, making connections between spoken and written Arabic in texts. They identify the structure and features of different personal, informative and imaginative texts and provide simple explanations as to how these elements contribute to meaning. They identify ways in which spoken Arabic varies according to regions and countries, and provide examples of how Arabic has changed over time due to influences from other languages and cultures. Students identify how written Arabic varies in style and in the use of formal and informal forms, for example, أنتَ/حضرتكَ/حضرتكم, according to context, situation and the relationship between participants. They identify ways in which language use reflects cultural ideas, thoughts and perceptions.

Years 7 and 8 Work Sample Portfolios

Years 9 and 10

Years 9 and 10 Band Description

The nature of the learners

Learners increasingly communicate in Arabic in everyday interactions and in domains beyond the home. They continue to be immersed in Arabic language and culture, making connections and comparisons with other languages and cultures. They have a growing awareness of the wider world, including the diversity of languages, cultures and forms of intercultural communication. They begin to consider their role as bilingual, intercultural communicators in the Australian context. They are considering future pathways and prospects, including how Arabic may feature in these.

Arabic language learning and use

This is a period of language exploration, vocabulary expansion, and experimentation with different modes of communication. Learners use Arabic to communicate and interact, exchange information, express and justify opinions (أريد ركوب العجلة ولكن ليس عندي خوذة ), and plan, negotiate and solve problems in shared tasks and transactions (ماذا لو نذهب في عطلة المدرسة؟ ). They access and evaluate information from a range of sources, and present ideas and views from a range of perspectives in different formats and contexts and for particular audiences. They use their imagination to create a range of texts, such as stories, plays and video clips, about past events and experiences and future possibilities, using a range of techniques to entertain different audiences. There is a balance between activities that focus on language forms and structures and those that emphasise communicative tasks and performance. Learners recognise that moving between Arabic and English involves interpretation and personal response as well as literal translation and factual reporting. Task characteristics and conditions at this level are more complex and challenging, providing opportunities for collaborative as well as independent language planning and performance, and development and strategic use of language and cultural resources. Learners discuss the relationship between language, culture and identity, exploring in more depth the concept of being bilingual and bicultural.

Contexts of interaction

Greater control of language structures and systems increases confidence and interest in communicating in a wider range of contexts beyond the home. Contexts of interaction in Arabic move beyond the immediate world of teenage experience to more active participation in the local community, for example, by engaging in local community events or celebrations. Learners participate in discussions and presentations on topics of interest and on life experiences in different contexts and cultures, and view television programs, documentaries, music performances and films to further explore Arabic language and culture. Additional opportunities for interaction are provided by purposeful and integrated use of information and communications technologies (ICT), for example, videoconferencing and e-learning.

Texts and resources

Learners read, view and interact with a broad range of texts and resources specifically designed for learning Arabic in school contexts, such as textbooks, readers, videos and online materials, including those developed for computer-supported collaborative learning. They also access authentic materials created for Arabic-speaking communities, such as films, literature, websites and magazines. They use a range of dictionaries and translation methods to support comprehension, build vocabulary and elaborate on ideas.

Features of Arabic language use

Learners use appropriate pronunciation, rhythm and intonation in communication and interaction, and apply accurate spelling and punctuation in a range of written texts. They gain greater control of grammatical elements, such as word order, a range of tenses, conditional and subjunctive moods, embedded clauses, imperative forms, and vocative case, to elaborate on ideas and information relating to people and events ( أخي يلعب كثيراً لكن أختي تدرس دائماً), discuss future plans and aspirations (سوف أذهب إلى الجامعة؛ سوف اسافر مع أهلي؛ سوف أشتري سيارة), persuade audiences ( لنذهب إلى المعلم ونسأله؛ هيا حاول مرة ثانية؛ ممتاز! أحسنت؛ تكلم مع سامر), express doubt, uncertainty or emotion ( ربما نذهب إلى السينما يوم السبت), and link and extend ideas and information ( بداية؛ بعد ذلك؛ أخيراَ). They analyse text more critically, identifying how language choices reflect perspectives and meaning in a range of texts, and developing their understanding of the relationship between context, purpose and audience. They demonstrate understanding of language variation and change, and of how intercultural experience, technology, popular culture, migration and globalisation influence forms of communication.

Level of support

This stage of learning involves consolidation and progression. Learners need opportunities for new challenges and more independent learning experiences. Continued scaffolding, modelling and monitoring are required to support these challenges. A range of resources is provided and processes modelled for the development of more autonomous self-monitoring and reflecting strategies, such as online journalling, video documenting and discussion forums. Continued focused attention on grammatical and textual features supports learners in the production of texts.

The role of English

The classroom is increasingly characterised by bilinguality, with Arabic being the principal language of communication. English continues to be used as the medium for substantive discussion, comparison, analysis and reflection, although learners at this level are able to discuss some abstract and complex views and ideas on language, culture and intercultural experience in Arabic. They explore the interrelationship between language, culture and identity, and reflect in more depth on the concept of being bilingual. They discuss the influence of Arabic and English on their ways of communicating, thinking and behaving, how living and moving between cultures has impacted on their own bilingual identity, and how successful communication requires flexibility, awareness and openness to alternative ways.

Years 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


Initiate and sustain interactions to develop relationships with peers and adults, exchanging ideas, opinions and feelings, comparing experiences and discussing future plans

[Key concepts: relationships, opinion, experiences, future; Key processes: exchanging, comparing, discussing] (ACLARC018 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • initiating and sustaining conversations on topics of interest by using expressions such as

    هل تحب المأكولات العربية؟ ما هي أكلتك المفضلة؟ أنا أيضا أحب الوجبات السريعة؛ هل تريد أن تأتي معي إلى الحديقة بعد المدرسة؟

    أمي طباخة ماهرة. تعال إلى بيتنا يوم السبت. هل تحب الذهاب معنا إلى المنتزه/الحديقة؟

    أنا آسف؛ أمي لا تسمح لي. أعتذر ليس لدي وقت؛ سوف أسأل أبي. نعم؛ طبعاً؛ سوف أتصل بأمي أولاً.

    هل شاهدت مباراة كرة القدم أمس؟ برأيك من سيفوز بالكأس؟ من هو لاعبك المفضل؟ هل نزلت اللعبة الإلكترونيّة إلى الأسواق؟ إنها لعبة ممتعة. هل أكملت واجب المدرسة؟ أحتاج إلى مساعدة؛ إن الواجب صعب

  • exchanging information and opinions on a range of topics such as home, school, leisure and travelling, for example,

    هل تحب المنطقة التي تسكن فيها؟ لماذا؟ منطقتي جميلة وشارع بيتي هادىء؛ أبي يريد أن يشتري بيتاً جديداً وأنا لا أريد أن أترك بيتنا؛ أنا احب بيتنا كثيراً؛ أريد ركوب الدّراجة ولكن ليس عندي خوذة. ما رأيك بلعبة كرة القدم؟ أنا أحب القراءة كثيراً؛ وأنت؟

  • expressing wishes and feelings, and describing personal plans for school holidays or weekend, for example,

    في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع أحب أن أذهب إلى البحر؛ لأن الطقس سيكون حاراً؛ أتمنى أن نسافر في العطلة المدرسية. أنا سعيد لأننا سوف نسافر في العطلة؛ في عطلة المدرسة سوف ألعب التنس كل يوم؛ يوم السبت القادم سأذهب إلى السينما مع إخوتي؛ يوم الأحد القادم سأذهب إلى السوق مع أمي لأشتري حذاءً جديداً للرّياضة.

  • elaborating on others’ responses by providing suggestions and giving advice, for example,

    بما أنك تحب الرّياضة، أنصحك بالسباحة لأنها مفيدة جداً؛ لماذا لا تقرأ هذا الكتاب؟ جرّب هذا القلم الجديد. ضع الصورة هنا؛ هذا مكان مناسب لها

  • comparing own and others’ experiences and future aspirations by sharing ideas and making suggestions, for example,

    أنا أيضاً مثلك أحب السباحة؛ أمي أيضاً لا تسمح لي باللعب على الحاسوب أيام الأسبوع؛ إذا أردت سأرسل لك رسالة إلكترونية فيها كل شيء؛ أتمنى أن ألتحق بفريق التنس؛ أتمنى أن أتعلم الموسيقى

Participate in collaborative projects, providing ideas and suggestions, negotiating and justifying options, solving problems and completing transactions

[Key concepts: participation, contribution, prioritisation; Key processes: suggesting, justifying, discussing, negotiating, transacting] (ACLARC019 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • expressing preferences for plans, comparing and contrasting alternatives using

    أفضل من...؛ الأفضل...؛ الأحسن...

    أفضل ان نشتري هذه اللعبة لأنها حديثة؛ لا أتفق معكم على الذهاب إلى السينما في المساء؛ ماذا لو نذهب في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع؟ في المساء تكون السينما مزدحمة أما أثناء النهار فتكون هادئة. سأتصل بك في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع؛ هذا أفضل من أيام الأسبوع.

  • making suggestions, such as when arranging a day out or a birthday party, for example,

    هل تحب أن نذهب إلى البولينغ يوم السبت؟ أبي سوف يوصلني إلى هناك الساعة العاشرة صباحا؛ هناك نلتقي؛ نلتقي بعد المدرسة؛ حفل عيد ميلاد قيس يوم الأحد. سآتي لآخذك معي إلى بيته. الحفلة ستبدأ الساعة السادسة

  • responding to invitations by accepting or declining and providing explanations, for example,

    شكراً جزيلاً على الدعوة؛ سأحضر الحفلة. آسف لا أقدر أن آتي إلى السينما لأن أمي لا تسمح. أنا مدعوة لحفل زواج ابن عمتي ولا أقدر أن أتي معكم إلى البولينغ

  • collaborating with peers to organise class displays and events, such as an Arabic music day, and agreeing or disagreeing with suggestions, for example, فكرة رائعة؛ أنت عبقري
  • completing tasks involving authentic or simulated transactions, such as asking for, giving and following directions to real locations, for example,

    كيف أذهب إلى محطة القطار؟ أين البنك؟ أرجوك أرشدني إلى المكتبة

  • discussing problems, such as a disagreement with parents, sibling or classmate over having to share a room or computer, or a complaint about unsatisfactory goods or services, and suggesting solutions
Contribute to structured discussions and tasks by asking and responding to questions, clarifying understanding, elaborating on opinions and expressing agreement or disagreement

[Key concepts: discussion, opinion; Key processes: discussing, clarifying, expressing] (ACLARC020 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • initiating and sustaining discussions by inviting peers to make suggestions, clarifying meaning and giving examples, expressing agreement or disagreement, and praising, complimenting and encouraging others and their ideas, for example,

    ماذا تقترح؟ ما رأيك؛ سامي أعطنا رأيك؛ كيف يمكن أن ننظم الأدوار بيننا؟ ما رأيكم؟

    أقصد أن كل واحد منا يكتب صفحة؛ قصدي؛ أنا وهناء نبحث عن الصور؛ وعادل ووفاء وسمر يكتبون المقاطع

    مثلا؛ مثل؛ على سبيل المثال

    أتفق معك جدا؛ اتفق على ما تقول؛ أنا أحترم رأيك كثيراً

    لا أتفق معك إطلاقاً؛ لا أتفق معك في رأيك. أنا لا أوافقك الرأي

    ممتاز! رائع! فكرة رائعة! واصل مجهودك. أنت ذكي جداً!

  • expressing own opinions, and eliciting and reflecting on the opinions of others, for example,

    لو كان لدينا وقتاً أطول؛ لوضعنا موسيقى في البحث؛ كان الإمتحان صعباً وطويلاً؛ أصبحت القراءة سهلة

    ما رأايك في هذه الجملة؟ هل تتفق معي؟ هل توافقني على كلامي؟ وأنت يا سعيد؛ ماذا تعتقد؟ سميرة؛ ما رأيك في الموضوع؟

    كلامك صحيح مئة بالمئة؛ أنت على حق؛ كلامك ليس صحيحاً؛ آسفة لا أتفق معك

  • explaining actions and responses, for example,

    وضعت الصورة هنا لأنها صغيرة ومناسبة؛ تأخرت في الصباح كثيراً؛ أنا متعب اليوم لأنني نمت الساعة العاشرة ليلاً. إن ساعدتني في البحث، سنحصل على درجة عالية

  • giving reasons and making connections between ideas and consequences, for example,

    وصلت إلى المدرسة متأخراً لأنّ سيارة أمّي تعطّلت في الطريق؛ لم أكمل الدرس بالأمس لأنّ بيتنا كان مليئاً بالزوار؛ لم أكمل واجب العلوم لأنّني لم أفهم السؤال

    عاقبني الأستاذ في الفرصة لأنّني تأخرت عن الصف؛ اتّصلت المعلمة بأمي لأنّني أتكلم كثيراً في الصف


Extract, organise and evaluate information and ideas from a range of texts, analysing meaning, gist and purpose

[Key concepts: meaning, purpose, audience; Key processes: extracting, organising, analysing] (ACLARC021 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • identifying the context, purpose and target audience of texts such as advertisements, messages and announcements
  • independently and collaboratively gathering information on events or people and comparing how various media sources, such as texts from magazines, newspapers and websites, use language to convey meaning
  • using concept maps, charts and tables to organise, summarise and evaluate information from spoken, written and visual texts that reflect different aspects of Arabic culture related to topics such as entertainment and special occasions, for example,

    حفلات المطربين؛ البرامج الترفيهية؛ برامج المسابقات

    الأعياد الدينية المختلفة وطرق الإحتفال فيها؛ عيد الأم؛ عيد الأب؛ أعياد الميلاد الخاصة؛ مناسبات الخطوبة والزواج

  • analysing and summarising information about famous personalities or a recent film or music hit from texts such as television programs, reports and documentaries, for example,

    الأفلام العربية الحديثة؛ البرامج النقدية الساخرة؛ البرامج الحوارية؛ البرامج الوثائقية

  • reading texts and extracting key points and ideas on an issue or topic, such as the weather or leisure activities for young people, and discussing information with peers using expressions such as

    الطقس هذه الأيام بارد جداً؛ الصيف هذا العام سيكون حاراً

    يحب الشباب رياضة كمال الأجسام ويذهبون إلى النادي الرياضي؛ تحب البنات رقص الزومبا؛ هل تحبين الرقص أيضا؟

  • analysing and comparing perspectives represented in spoken and written texts, for example,

    الجريدة المحلية كتبت أن الأغاني العصرية تافهة ؛ ولكن الجميع يحبها

Convey ideas and viewpoints from a range of perspectives to various audiences in familiar contexts using different modes of presentation

[Key concepts: context, audience, perspective; Key processes: selecting, conveying, constructing, presenting] (ACLARC022 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • informing others about an issue of interest and upcoming events in texts such as notices and newspaper announcements, for example,

    إعلان هام؛ تحتفل الجالية العربية بعيد الأم في إحتفال كبير في الحديقة العامة يوم السبت القادم؛ الدكتورة ريم ستلقي محاضرة عن الشباب والمستقبل في الجامعة

  • producing texts such as letters, emails and speeches to convey information and personal viewpoints on topics connected to personal experiences, for particular purposes and audiences
  • organising information for an Arabic-speaking audience, for example, creating a presentation comparing different cultural perspectives on a particular topic or a video recording of a cooking demonstration
  • reporting on own and others’ experiences, such as holiday trips or school camp, and comparing own experiences with others’ using expressions such as

    بالنسبة لي الرحلة كانت ممتعة بينما أغلبية التلاميذ شعروا بالملل؛ بالرغم من الساعات الطويلة التي قضيناها في الطريق إلا إنني لم أشعر بالتّعب لكن أصدقائي كانوا متعبين

  • creating a video clip to present information or ideas to a particular audience, such as a virtual tour of the school or the neighbourhood for prospective students and their parents
  • conveying information relating to significant events, people or places in different formats, such as a poster for a concert, a profile of a famous Arabic actor, or a digital guide to a place of interest
  • creating a group presentation of ideas and words and expressions relating to aspects of lifestyle, for example,

    الرّياضة ضرورية للصحة؛ المأكولات السريعة وأضرارها؛ الألعاب الإلكترونية وتأثيرها السلبي على العائلة


Respond to imaginative texts such as poems and films, explaining messages and key ideas, stating views on themes, events and values, and making connections with own experiences

[Key concepts: genre, theme, values, connection; Key processes: comparing, explaining, analysing] (ACLARC023 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • responding to ideas presented in various texts, such as poems, films, songs or video clips, by expressing personal opinions, for example,

    الشعر جميل ؛ القصيدة مؤثرة؛ الفيلم غير واقعي؛ يعرض الفيلم مشاكل الشباب مع الأهل؛ الأغنية تعبّر عن الصداقة

  • stating and explaining personal preferences about characters, attitudes and events in texts, using expressions such as

    أفضل شخصية في الفيلم هي سميرة لأنها تعرف ما تريد؛ يحاول الفيلم تشجيع الشباب على الدراسة وهذا ممتاز

  • analysing how people, places and experiences are described in imaginative texts, and comparing how key messages and beliefs are communicated in a variety of texts, such as fables
  • exchanging opinions about typical features and expressive elements of contemporary songs, films or video clips from the Arabic-speaking world and comparing them equivalent texts in English-speaking contexts
  • identifying emotional aspects of texts and analysing elements of language that convey emotions and values
  • reading texts such as biographies and critically reflecting on others’ experiences and relating them to their own
  • analysing and evaluating lyrics of contemporary Arabic songs, identifying themes, messages and cultural aspects
  • discussing how social issues, for example, relationships, wealth and poverty and change, and values, such as honesty, are portrayed in imaginative texts such as films, songs and poems
Create imaginative texts in multimodal forms, including digital, that draw on past experiences or future possibilities, experimenting with different techniques

[Key concepts: culture, narrative, creativity; Key processes: creating, imagining, entertaining, relating] (ACLARC024 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • creating imaginative texts in multimodal forms that include illustrations, such as cartoons or captioned photo stories
  • composing and performing or filming imaginative texts such as role-plays, raps and video clips, using expressive language and movement
  • creating alternative versions of traditional Arabic stories and films by introducing new characters and contexts and alternative endings
  • expressing imagined experiences in a range of texts such as poems and video clips that relate to significant celebrations or events in both Australia and the Arabic-speaking world, for example,

    عيد الأم؛ عيد الأنزاك؛ العيد الوطني الأسترالي ؛ الأعياد الدينية مثل عيد الميلاد وعيد القيامة وعيد الفطر وعيد الأضحى


Translate and interpret texts from Arabic into English and vice versa, compare own translations and interpretations with others’ and discuss reasons for differences

[Key concepts: representation, perspectives, interpretation; Key processes: translating, interpreting, comparing, critical and cultural understanding] (ACLARC025 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • translating existing texts and experimenting with unfamiliar words or expressions, reflecting on challenges associated with transferring meaning from one language to another
  • comparing one another’s translations of the same text, commenting on differences and similarities between versions and considering possible reasons for these
  • translating texts, identifying culture-specific vocabulary and expressions, such as والله ولي التوفيق؛ تقبل فائق الإحترام, discussing strategies for choosing words that best reflect the intended meaning and context
  • paraphrasing English words or expressions that have no specific equivalent in Arabic, such as ‘mufti day’ or ‘fundraiser’, and annotating them in order to convey their intended meaning
  • reflecting on the difficulty of achieving equivalence in translations of creative texts such as poems, songs and film clips, identifying words and phrases that require particular elaboration or explanation
  • experimenting with interpreting in English popular expressions, proverbs or idioms in Arabic, and reflecting on the social and cultural values that may be embedded in them
  • analysing existing translations of texts, such as film subtitles, comparing them with own translation, and reflecting on why translations may vary
Create bilingual texts for the wider community, such as notices, promotional material, instructions or announcements, interpreting cultural and linguistic aspects

[Key concepts: culture, interpretation, equivalence; Key processes: interpreting, composing, selecting, explaining] (ACLARC026 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • Sustainability
  • creating subtitles, captions or commentaries for texts such as a brochure, slideshow presentation or video clip that informs the school community of aspects of different Arabic-speaking cultures
  • producing texts in print or multimodal format in both Arabic and English relating to community events, such as a poster or advertisement to promote a concert, advertise an interview with a celebrity on a community radio station, or provide details of a debate on sustainability issues
    • Sustainability
  • designing menus or programs for Arabic-themed events, with key items/information in Arabic and explanatory notes in English
  • creating a short film of Arabic-language social interactions among different speakers of Arabic, providing English explanations of elements that may be different in different parts of the Arabic-speaking world and which may be unfamiliar to Australian viewers
  • considering how to maintain the integrity of original texts when translating, for example, explaining culture-specific concepts such as ‘the bush’ or ‘the outback’, and representing ideas and meanings bilingually
  • producing bilingual texts such as video clips with subtitles explaining Australian cultural practices for Arabic-speaking viewers, for example, bushwalking, Anzac Day commemorations, the Melbourne Cup


Reflect on how conventions of speech and Arabic cultural concepts can influence own communication style when using both English and Arabic

[Key concepts: cultural concept, norms, communication; Key processes: understanding, explaining, reflecting] (ACLARC027 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • comparing the ways in which they communicate in Arabic and non-Arabic contexts, for example, using different forms of address or different ways of showing politeness, and discussing why these choices are appropriate and how they enhance intercultural communication
  • reflecting on own language choices and communicative gestures in different cultural contexts, considering how own ways of behaving and communicating might be perceived by people from different backgrounds, and making necessary adjustments to establish, maintain and improve relationships with immediate contacts such as family, teacher and peers
  • exploring the reciprocal nature of intercultural communication, the two-way process of noticing and responding to differences in perceptions, understandings and behaviours, for example, degrees of formality, politeness and directness, use of personal space, and attitudes towards physical contact
  • identifying moments of embarrassment or communication breakdown in own intercultural interactions, exploring reasons for these and suggesting adjustments that could be made to enhance mutual understanding
  • discussing elements of successful intercultural communication, for example, flexibility and awareness of differences in cultural and religious practices such as respect for elderly people and attitudes towards privacy or directness
Reflect on own sense of identity as an Arabic and English speaker, recognising how own cultural assumptions, practices and values influence ways of communicating, and considering reactions and how they adjust behaviours and language in own interactions

[Key concepts: assumptions, values, impact, judgement, adjustments; Key processes: reflecting, connecting interculturally] (ACLARC028 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • discussing how being bilingual allows them to present ‘self’ to others in particular ways, for example, as being Lebanese, Jordanian, Iraqi, Arab Australian, or Australian from a Syrian background
  • reflecting on the role of language in expressing identity, considering when, with whom and why different languages are used, and reflecting on whether their own identity changes when they use different languages
  • noticing how they communicate with one another, their teachers and families, noticing how they see themselves differently in different contexts, for example, as Arabic-speaking person, less traditional than parents
  • reflecting on choices made to present self to others in particular ways or to conceal aspects of identity when interacting across cultures, noticing differences in the way they communicate, think and behave in different contexts

Systems of language

Understand rules of pronunciation and intonation and writing conventions, and apply these to own constructions to enhance meaning and aesthetic effect

[Key concepts: sound and writing systems; Key processes: experimenting, speaking, writing, connecting, transposing] (ACLARU029 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • distinguishing the pronunciation of (الشدة) and (التنوين)
  • using the rhythms of the Arabic language, including intonation, tone and stress, to increase fluency and enhance expression
  • recognising that certain letters in Arabic appear in different variations, for example, ت؛ ة
  • applying spacing rules between words and using their knowledge of writing conventions to expand on ideas in written texts
  • making choices in relation to the use of punctuation such as (؛) and adjusting the flow of ideas, increasing text cohesion and enhancing expression
  • recognising the need for pauses or changes of tone in complex sentences with embedded clauses
  • understanding that there are variations in both spoken and written Arabic across different countries and regions, and analysing the reasons for such variations, for example, سوريا/سورية؛ ناديا/نادية؛ فاديا/فادية
  • noticing how tone can convey emotions and shade meaning, such as distinguishing between colloquial or formal language, for example, حقًا؟ يا إلهي! تعال إلى هنا حالاً!
  • using Arabic pronunciation and spelling rules when listening to and reading authentic texts, and evaluating their own spelling and pronunciation in relation to their understanding and expression
Expand spoken and written expression by extending grammatical knowledge of Arabic, including features such as conditional and subjunctive moods, embedded clauses, imperative, future tense and vocative case, and acquisition of vocabulary and expressions that are culturally embedded

[Key concepts: grammatical structures, irregularity, expansion of ideas; Key processes: applying, analysing, selecting] (ACLARU030 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • using سوف in addition to the present tense to express future plans, for example, سوف أذهب إلى الجامعة؛ سوف أسافر مع أهلي؛ سوف أشتري سيارة؛ سوف أعمل في مطعم
  • using the conditional mood as a formulaic expression, for example,

    لو: لو نجحت، سوف يشتري لي أبي محمولاً جديداً

  • understanding and using the conjunctions لكن to compare people and actions, expanding on their expression, for example, خالي غني لكن عمّي فقير؛

    أخي يلعب كثيرا لكن أختي تدرس دائم

  • using interrogative pronouns and expressions such as لماذا؛ لمَ؟ هل؟ to ask questions and make requests, for example,

    لماذا أحضرت الكرة معك إلى الصف؟ هل تقدر أن تعطيني القلم؟ لمَ تحب الموسيقى؟

  • expanding their knowledge of noun–adjective agreement through understanding and applying the irregular plural form, for example,

    بيت/بيوت كبيرة؛ كرسي/كراسي جديدة؛ كتاب/كتب قيمة؛ يوم/أيام جميلة؛ تلميذ/تلاميذ مجتهدون؛ معلمون ملتزمون

  • using expressions to indicate preference and compare, for example,

    هذا أقل من هذا؛ الكتاب أخف من الكرسي؛ العلوم أفضل من الرياضة

  • creating compound and complex sentences by using embedded clauses such as الكتاب المفضل لدي (والذي أحبه كثيرا) هو ...
  • understanding that Arabic uses the dual form of nouns, verbs and adjectives, in both masculine and feminine forms, for example,

    هذان كتابان جديدان؛ هاتان صديقتان وفيتان

  • understanding and applying indirect object pronouns and passive voice to express ideas objectively in texts such as articles and speeches, for example, أُنهيت المباراة سريعاً ؛ دُق الجرس متأخراً
  • using cohesive devices to sequence ideas, for example, في البداية؛ بعد ذلك؛ أخيراً
  • extending use of negative forms, for example, لن أتصل بك؛ لم أتأخر عن الدرس؛ ليس عندي وقت
  • using إلا to express exceptions, for example, أحب كل المواد إلا الرياضيات
  • describing people and objects using comparatives and superlatives, for example, رسمك جميل؛ رسم سامي أجمل من رسمي؛ رسم عدنان الأجمل
  • using elements of exaggeration and emphasis, for example,

    للمرة المليون أكرر هذه العبارة

  • using a range of irregular adjectives to describe number, shape and colour, for example, قميص أحمر؛ حقيبة حمراء؛ قلم أخضر؛ ممحاة خضراء؛ شكل مدور؛ مثلث؛ مربع؛ مستطيل
  • using singular and plural third person possessive pronouns to indicate relationships, for example, أصدقاؤهم كتابه؛ قلمها؛
  • using adverbial phrases to expand on ideas and provide further information related to feelings, attitudes and abilities, for example, متأخراً؛ باكراً؛ دائماً؛ مسرعاً
  • developing metalanguage to discuss grammatical features and to explain how word order, tenses and moods, adjectives and adverbs can be used to enhance meaning and expand expression
  • using imperative verb forms to persuade, encourage, and give advice, for example,

    لنذهب إلى المعلم ونسأله؛ هيا حاول مرة ثانية؛ ممتاز! أحسنت؛ تكلم مع سامر

  • using subjunctive mood to express doubt, uncertainty or emotion, for example,

    ربما نذهب إلى السينما يوم السبت ؛ قد أسافر في العطلة

Analyse different texts in a variety of forms, including digital, , considering the relationship between audience, purpose and context, and the use of textual conventions, features and cohesive devices

[Key concepts: genre, purpose, audience, cohesion; Key processes: analysing, explaining, comparing] (ACLARU031 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • applying knowledge of particular types of texts and their purpose to identify the gist and predict the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary and phrases encountered in texts
  • analysing different samples of a particular type of text, such as online diary entries, to analyse ideas and reflections through the language features used, for example,

    ضمير المتكلم: أشعر بسعادة كبيرة؛ هذا عملي وأنا مسؤول عنه

    التعبير عن التعجب والدهشة: يا إلهي!؛ مستحيل! يا للكارثة!

    الصور البلاغية: كنت كالفراشة أطير من فرحتي؛ كلامه كالخنجر في صدري

  • exploring a range of imaginative texts to compare the use of language features such as imagery and exaggeration, and discussing how these are used to convey meaning to and entertain the audience
  • examining a variety of informative texts, such as reports and articles, identifying how the structure and features of each text reflect the intended purpose and how the choice of vocabulary reflects ideas and perspectives
  • experimenting with language appropriate to particular types of texts, for example, descriptive language in documentaries, reflective language in blogs, diary or journal entries, and persuasive language in advertisements and speeches
  • analysing a range of expository texts, such as feature articles, identifying possible elements of bias and objectivity
  • discussing and evaluating how language is used to express ideas and justify opinions on topical issues of interest to teenagers in debates or on a talk show
  • identifying and discussing the level of formality in spoken and written texts, considering what these texts reveal about social relationships and processes, for example, reflections of status, authority, concepts of respect and politeness

Language variation and change

Explore how spoken and written forms of Arabic can be used for different purposes and audiences, in different contexts and situations, and with specific meanings and intentions

[Key concepts: formality, register, intention; Key processes: analysing, explaining] (ACLARU032 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • understanding the importance of using appropriate forms of address when interacting with different people, for example, the use of

    سيد ماجد؛ أستاذ هاني؛ سيّدة عبير؛ خالتي رانيا؛ عمي حبيب حضرتك؛ عم كريم؛ خالة سامية

    with both close adult relatives and unknown adults
  • noticing that variation in language use often reflects the mood, feelings, attitudes or relationships of the people involved
  • identifying how emotions and attitudes, such as embarrassment or respect, and personal views are reflected in the choice of language in various social settings, such as public forums and school contexts
  • investigating the nature and use of the Arabic language in different contexts of interaction, for example, asking Arabic-speaking students in Australia when they use English or Arabic, with whom and why
  • exploring how various individual speakers’ views on roles and relationships are reflected in Arabic texts such as traditional sayings, idioms, proverbs, poetry and song lyrics
  • comparing a variety of texts from different Arabic-speaking regions and analysing how aspects of the language used reflect particular values and world views
Explore and reflect on how the Arabic language influences and is influenced by cultural, political and social change

[Key concepts: globalisation, popular culture; Key processes: reflecting, discussing, examining] (ACLARU033 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • investigating and explaining the influence of globalisation and new technologies such as the internet on Arabic as a dynamic language, and the power and function of regional dialects in both digital and social media
  • researching and reporting on the influence of Arabic language and culture in the local and broader Australian community, for example, the food industry (Lebanese restaurants and bakeries), the entertainment industry and the media (the Arab Film Festival, SBS Arabic radio and television, Arabic films) and education (Arabic bilingual schools)
  • reflecting on changes in their own use of the Arabic language, identifying new terms and behaviours that they have adopted into their everyday language in response to changes in technology and social media
  • discussing how language changes over time, for example, by viewing classical Arabic and contemporary films and comparing how certain messages and concepts are represented through language
  • examining how English is influencing and modifying Arabic language use in particular settings, for example, language used in the entertainment industry, such as in films and television programs, or language used to express global concepts, such as الليبرالية

Role of language and culture

Understand the symbolic nature and influence of language in local and global contexts and how the use of language determines the nature of intercultural communication

[Key concepts: symbolism, globalisation, new terminology; Key processes: exploring, reflecting, evaluating, understanding] (ACLARU034 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • Sustainability
  • identifying and discussing how values or attitudes are differently reflected in Arabic and English, for example, attitudes to being on time reflected in language such as لا تستعجل؛ لن تهرب الحفلة؛ لا تهتم يوجد وقت كثير , and social interactions such as expressing thanks or appreciation more or less directly, or attitudes to making an apology
  • recognising that language and cultural practices are interconnected, for example, by identifying religious origins or connotations associated with places such as كربلاء؛ مكة الكرمة؛ أورشليم المقدسة؛ ديرالزور, or by identifying ways in which the residual influences of traditional lifestyles are preserved in language reflecting the sustainable use of resources
    • Sustainability
  • identifying similarities and differences between own ways of communicating and interactions between young Arabic speakers in different contexts and situations, for example, the expression of politeness or turn-taking in conversations
  • reflecting on personal encounters with cultural practices that have helped shape their attitudes towards and views of the world around them
  • discussing and reflecting on how language use such as persuasive, motivational and emotive language, can effect changes in social attitudes and mobilise actions and reactions
  • exploring a range of Arabic and English idioms and proverbs and analysing the cultural values and perspectives they reflect, for example,

    الجار قبل الدار؛ من جدّ وجد ومن زرع حصد؛ الوقت من ذهب؛ في التأني السلامة وفي العجلة الندامة

Years 9 and 10 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 10, students use written and spoken Arabic to initiate and sustain interactions with peers and adults. They use language spontaneously to exchange ideas, opinions and feelings, compare experiences and discuss future plans. They sustain interactions by asking and responding to questions, requesting clarification (for example, هل تعني....؟ ما قصدك؟), elaborating on opinions, and expressing agreement or disagreement, for example, على أتفق؟ لا أتفق؛ أعترض. In classroom interactions, they share ideas and suggestions, negotiate options, solve problems and complete transactions. They apply pronunciation and intonation rules to convey emotions and enhance expression. They obtain information from multiple sources on a range of issues and analyse and evaluate meaning, gist and purpose. They convey ideas and viewpoints from a range of perspectives using different text types and modes of presentation selected to suit different audiences and to achieve different purposes. They share their responses to different imaginative texts by expressing opinions on themes, events and values and explaining key ideas and messages. They manipulate language and use different techniques to produce imaginative texts in a range of forms that draw on past experiences or future possibilities, such as التلاعب بالألفاظ بواسطة إستخدام المفردات ذات المعاني المزدوجة؛ إستخدام عبارات مثل ليتني كنت...؛ فرحت فرحاً عظيماً؛ لو ربحت المسابقة. When creating texts, students use a variety of grammatical elements, such as conditional and subjunctive moods, embedded clauses and imperative forms (for example, لو سمح أبي لي ٍآتي معك ما نذهب إلى السينما يوم السبت ؛ قد أسافر في العطلة؛الكتاب المفضل لدي والذي أحبه كثيرا هو ... لنذهب إلى المعلم ونسأله؛ هيا حاول مرة ثانية؛ ممتاز! أحسنت؛ تكلم مع سامر ), future tense and vocative case to convey meaning. They use vocabulary and expressions that are culturally embedded, such as سوف أكتب رسالة إلى المدير أعبر فيها عن رأيي؛ يا سمير هل أشتريت الجيتار الذي رأيته في المحل؟ , and apply appropriate writing conventions to increase text cohesion and enhance expression. Students translate and interpret texts from Arabic into English and vice versa, comparing own interpretations with others’ and explaining reasons for differences in translations. Students create bilingual texts for the wider community, interpreting cultural and linguistic aspects of texts. They explain how cultural concepts, practices and values influence ways in which they communicate from a bilingual perspective, and question assumptions and describe adjustments they make when moving from Arabic to English and vice versa.

Students identify the meaning and emotions conveyed in spoken texts, such as .ها سمير ماذا قررت؟؛ لا لا ؛ لا أقصد هذا؛ كم مرة قلت لك .. , and apply their understanding of the Arabic writing system to enhance meaning and aesthetic effect in written texts. They analyse the relationship between language choices and textual features, and the audience, purpose and context of different spoken, written and multimodal texts. Students explain how spoken and written forms of Arabic vary according to context, purpose and audience, and identify ways in which the Arabic language influences and is influenced by cultural, political and social change. They explain the power of language in determining the nature of intercultural communication in local and global contexts.

Years 9 and 10 Work Sample Portfolios