Learning Continuum of Personal and Social Capability (Version 8.4)

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This element involves students developing an awareness of their own emotional states, needs and perspectives.

Students identify and describe the factors that influence their emotional responses. They develop a realistic sense of their personal abilities, qualities and strengths through knowing what they are feeling in the moment, and having a realistic assessment of their own abilities and a well-grounded sense of self-knowledge and self-confidence. Students reflect on and evaluate their learning, identify personal characteristics that contribute to or limit their effectiveness and learn from successes or failures. In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students:

  • recognise emotions
  • recognise personal qualities and achievements
  • understand themselves as learners
  • develop reflective practice.

Level 6

Typically by the end of Year 10, students:

Recognise emotions

reflect critically on their emotional responses to challenging situations in a wide range of learning, social and work-related contexts

Recognise personal qualities and achievements

assess their strengths and challenges and devise personally appropriate strategies to achieve future success

Understand themselves as learners

evaluate the effectiveness of commonly used learning strategies and work practices and refine these as required

Develop reflective practice

reflect on feedback from peers, teachers and other adults, to analyse personal characteristics and skill set that contribute to or limit their personal and social capability

This element involves students developing the metacognitive skill of learning when and how to use particular strategies to manage themselves in a range of situations.

Students effectively regulate, manage and monitor their own emotional responses, and persist in completing tasks and overcoming obstacles. They develop organisational skills and identify the resources needed to achieve goals. Students develop the skills to work independently and to show initiative, learn to be conscientious, delay gratification and persevere in the face of setbacks and frustrations. In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students:

  • express emotions appropriately
  • develop self-discipline and set goals
  • work independently and show initiative
  • become confident, resilient and adaptable.

Level 6

Typically by the end of Year 10, students:

Express emotions appropriately

consider control and justify their emotional responses, in expressing their opinions, beliefs, values, questions and choices

Develop self-discipline and set goals

critically analyse self-discipline strategies and personal goals and consider their application in social and work-related contexts

Work independently and show initiative

establish personal priorities, manage resources effectively and demonstrate initiative to achieve personal goals and learning outcomes

Become confident resilient and adaptable

evaluate, rethink and refine approaches to tasks to take account of unexpected or difficult situations and safety considerations