Food and nutrition – AT
In a cross-curricula health-Arabic language unit, students learnt about the importance of food (nutrition) and water and their health benefits. Students learnt about translating words and expressions with access to dictionaries, word lists and online …
Food and nutrition – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources
At the restaurant – At
Students learnt vocabulary and grammar patterns related to ordering and describing food and drink, including Arabic and Middle Eastern foods In this task, students were asked to work in groups to write the script for a role play in a restaurant. One student …
At the restaurant – At | Samples | Work samples | Resources
Classmate interview and personal identity wheel – AT
Students learnt how to express personal information about hobbies, family, their favourite foods and how to describe their physical attributes. Students also participated in whole class and small group activities and discussions about personal identity …
Classmate interview and personal identity wheel – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources