Your search for "food" returned 43 result(s)
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Health and Physical Education - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can describe the changes that occur during puberty and identify how relationships change during this time (WS3). They provide appropriate advice about managing changing social relationships (WS3). …

Health and Physical Education - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Geography - Satisfactory - Year 9

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can analyse the interconnections between people and environments. Through an examination of the relationships between biomes and food scarcity (WS1), and trading patterns (WS2), and between human and …

Geography - Satisfactory - Year 9 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Analysis: Food and nutrition - AT

Students learnt about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and its categories. They discussed influences on the food and drink people consume and what food is needed to stay healthy. Students were asked to record what they had eaten in the previous …

Analysis: Food and nutrition - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Comparison: Food models - AT

Students were asked to compare the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating with the dietary recommendations from another country. They were then asked to design their own food guidelines and to explain reasons for their recommendations. This assessment task …

Comparison: Food models - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Data analysis: Food scarcity - AT

Over a period of six weeks, students examined the biomes of the world, how humans have altered environments for food production, and the main challenges of providing food security. Various case studies were used from Australia and other parts of the world …

Data analysis: Food scarcity - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Expressing preferences about food – AT

Students learnt about types of food and how to state preferences for food they like and dislike. Students had previously learnt phrases such as me gusta la___ and were taught the plural form me gustan las/los____ and how to add the verb comer/beber to …

Expressing preferences about food – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My favourite food! – AT

Students learnt to discuss food (i.e. ingredients, adjectives to describe tastes, key verbs) and language structures and features (how to describe the frequency, basic counters, informal and polite verb endings). In this task, students were asked to create …

My favourite food! – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Talking about my food preferences – AT

In a unit of work about Korean food and culture, students learnt new vocabulary, phrases and relevant grammar structures to talk about their favourite foods and personal perspectives on the relationship between food and culture. This speaking task had …

Talking about my food preferences – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Food and nutrition – AT

In a cross-curricula health-Arabic language unit, students learnt about the importance of food (nutrition) and water and their health benefits. Students learnt about translating words and expressions with access to dictionaries, word lists and online …

Food and nutrition – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Food - AT

Students investigated how to collect suitable materials for composting at their school to improve recycling, reduce waste and improve the productivity of the school kitchen garden. Students designed and produced drawings of a composting system for food …

Design project: Food - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Seed to sandwich - AT

Students explored requirements for plant growth and the production and processing steps to get from a wheat seed to a food product (loaf of bread). They created a visual representation (road map) to plot the steps from a wheat seed to a loaf of bread. …

Design project: Seed to sandwich - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Kitchen garden - AT

Students investigated the advantages of planting crops in season, or of adapting the environment to extend the life of plants. They investigated nutrient requirements for plants and optimal growing conditions. Students designed and planned a garden for …

Design project: Kitchen garden - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Muffins - AT

Students researched, investigated, designed, produced and evaluated a healthy muffin suitable to be sold in a local café catering to adolescents. They explored the properties of ingredients to design a product that was healthy. They considered packaging …

Design project: Muffins - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Nutritious and sustainable - AT

Students were tasked with designing a nutritious and sustainable meal that would support preferred futures for adolescents. They were provided with four recipes to modify. Students created a glossary of terms relevant to the brief. They investigated the …

Design project: Nutritious and sustainable - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Bushwalking - AT

As part of a unit of work about healthy eating and the outdoors, students learnt about the natural environment and participated in a bushwalk in their local community. Students explored strategies to promote minimal impact on the environment. Students …

Written response: Bushwalking - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Ayo ke Restoran

Students were asked to write the script of a dialogue between a group of friends making plans to eat out at an Indonesian restaurant. They were permitted to refer to their workbooks, text books and class notes to complete the task. Students were given …

Ayo ke Restoran | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Obento project and reflection - AT

Over the course of a 4-week unit about portable meals (Obento), etiquette and food culture, students were asked to plan and create their own obento following the criteria and guidelines explored in class and complete a range of tasks at each step. Students …

Obento project and reflection - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Essen in Deutschland und Australien – AT

Students learnt about and compared eating and drinking customs in Germany and Australia. They researched the relationship between language, culture and values evidenced in these customs.  They learned expressions for food and drink and associated activities, liking/disliking …

Essen in Deutschland und Australien – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Tiger magic – AT

Students were read ‘Possum Magic’ by Mem Fox in English, and spoke about the language and features of this story. The teacher used this story and its language and features to model a Korean version. They looked at a map of Korea and learnt about places …

Tiger magic – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Horangi Magic– AT

Students were read ‘Possum Magic’ by Mem Fox in English, and spoke about the language and features of this story. The teacher used this story and its language and features to model a Korean version. They looked at a map of Korea and learnt about places …

Horangi Magic– AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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