Your search for "food" returned 7 result(s)
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Health and Physical Education - Above satisfactory - Years 7 and 8

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can describe a range of physical, social and moral changes that occur during puberty and identify how and why relationships change during this time (WS3). They provide detailed advice about managing …

Health and Physical Education - Above satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Comparison: Food models - ABOVE

Students were asked to compare the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating with the dietary recommendations from another country. They were then asked to design their own food guidelines and to explain reasons for their recommendations. This assessment task …

Comparison: Food models - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Muffins - ABOVE

Students researched, investigated, designed, produced and evaluated a healthy muffin suitable to be sold in a local café catering to adolescents. They explored the properties of ingredients to design a product that was healthy. They considered packaging …

Design project: Muffins - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Bushwalking - ABOVE

As part of a unit of work about healthy eating and the outdoors, students learnt about the natural environment and participated in a bushwalk in their local community. Students explored strategies to promote minimal impact on the environment. Students …

Written response: Bushwalking - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Pig enclosure - ABOVE

Students completed an analysis of the two pig enclosures (managed environments) at the school where pigs were housed. They used their prior knowledge, internet research and an audit key to assist them in assessing the positives and negatives of each of …

Design project: Pig enclosure - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Working safely and accurately - ABOVE

Students were filmed or photographed to demonstrate working safely in the technologies classroom. They completed safety worksheets to demonstrate their understanding of safe work practices.

Working safely and accurately - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Website - ABOVE

Students collaboratively designed and implemented a website to document the development of a healthy food item developed in Design and Technologies. Students researched and analysed existing websites to determine functional and aesthetic criteria required …

Digital project: Website - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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