Your search for "climate change" returned 8 result(s)
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Rationale/Aims Physics

Rationale Physics is a fundamental science that endeavours to explain all the natural phenomena that occur in the universe. Its power lies in the use of a comparatively small number of assumptions, models, laws and theories to explain a wide range of …

Rationale/Aims | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum


Provided a substance does not change state, its temperature change is proportional to the amount of energy added to or removed from the substance; the constant of proportionality describes the heat capacity of the substance

ACSPH020 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum


Change of state involves internal energy changes to form or break bonds between atoms or molecules; latent heat is the energy required to be added to or removed from a system to change the state of the system

ACSPH021 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Representation of Cross-curriculum priorities Physics

While the significance of the cross-curriculum priorities for Physics varies, there are opportunities for teachers to select contexts that incorporate the key concepts from each priority. Through an investigation of contexts that draw on Aboriginal and …

Representation of Cross-curriculum priorities | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum


Because energy is conserved, the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the energy added or removed by heating plus the work done on or by the system

ACSPH024 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Links to Foundation to Year 10 Physics

Progression from the F-10 Australian Curriculum: Science The Physics curriculum continues to develop student understanding and skills from across the three strands of the F-10 Australian Curriculum: Science. In the Science Understanding strand, the Physics …

Links to Foundation to Year 10 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum


Einstein’s mass/energy relationship, which applies to all energy changes, enables the energy released in nuclear reactions to be determined from the mass change in the reaction

ACSPH031 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum


The energy available to charges moving in an electrical circuit is measured using electric potential difference, which is defined as the change in potential energy per unit charge between two defined points in the circuit

ACSPH040 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

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