Communication skills and strategies including:
communicating ideas orally, digitally and in writing; rewording for understanding and asking for clarification or repetition; using home language or dialect
collaborating to produce short texts that present facts, a point of view or opinion
using rules of politeness in SAE for everyday situations, for example, through acknowledging the speaker when being spoken to, interacting with a range of participants, entering and exiting conversations, making email contact or using protocols in social situations such as visiting or dining.
Comprehension skills and strategies including:
interpreting non-verbal cues and intonation to guess the meaning in unfamiliar situations
identifying and describing characters, settings and events presented in stories
using simple graphic organisers
identifying essential information from a range of familiar texts
using modelled research skills and strategies to find information.
Language and text analysis skills and strategies including:
identifying the way information in texts has been ordered and structured
explaining the purposes of common text types
understanding and explaining how information may be included in or excluded from texts to achieve a purpose
identifying the persuasive nature of simple text types
understanding how there can be nuances in familiar, commonly used words.
Create a range of texts:
using simple written and oral text forms, punctuation and grammatical structures including graphic representations of information
using descriptions of people, places and events
using a growing range of technologies and mediums
using simple comparative language, and reference items such as referential and demonstrative pronouns
using modal adjectives and adverbs, for example, always, never, sometimes, often
using familiar vocabulary including countable and uncountable nouns
using growing accuracy with spelling
using a growing range of conjunctions
using simple strategies for planning and editing.