Career education: developing general capabilities across the curriculum
The Kings Meadows High School My Education days are designed to develop students’ understanding of career opportunities available to them. Students identify their personal strengths and aspirations and use this knowledge to make decisions about their future learning, work and life opportunities.
The school builds connections among higher education, the community and industry to offer real-world experiences as part of a planned approach to career education.
Kings Meadows High School uses the general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum to link career education across learning areas. The school provides opportunities for all students in Years 7 to 10 to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make effective decisions and prepare for life beyond school.
Through engaging with the My Education initiative students are provided opportunities to develop general capabilities such as critical and creative thinking, ethical understanding, intercultural understanding, personal and social capability and ICT capability.
In the illustration of practice:
Describe how the school uses the Australian Curriculum learning areas and general capabilities to develop a career education program.
Identify the school's approaches to the key objectives of Future Ready: A student focused National Career Education Strategy.
How does the school identify and engage with a range of stakeholders in the development of their career education program?
In your school context:
Identify how a school-based career education program would benefit your students.
What aspects of the Australian Curriculum could be included in your school-based career education program?
What elements of the Future Ready: A student focused National Career Education Strategy would you include when developing your school-based career education program?
How would you identify and include appropriate community stakeholders when developing a school-based career education program?