Your search for "world war" returned 1139 result(s)
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The impact of World War II, with a particular emphasis on the Australian home front, including the changing roles of women and use of wartime government controls (conscription, manpower controls, rationing and censorship)

critical-creative personal-social Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACDSEH109 | Content Descriptions | Year 10 | History | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACDSEH109

investigating the impact of World War II at a local and national level (for example, significant events such as the bombing of Darwin; the Japanese submarine attack on Sydney and the sinking of ships off the Australian coast; the ‘Battle of Brisbane’; …

ethical-understanding critical-creative literacy intercultural-understanding personal-social asia-australia

Elaboration | ACDSEH109 | Content Descriptions | Year 10 | History | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACDSEH144

investigating the nature of the waves of migration such as the countries that were the source of migrants, the numbers of migrants from those countries, and trends in migration since World War II such as increasing migration from the Asian region to …

literacy numeracy critical-creative intercultural-understanding personal-social asia-australia

Elaboration | ACDSEH144 | Content Descriptions | Year 10 | History | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACDSEH145

explaining the reasons for changes in government policy (for example, the influence of White Australia ideology at the time of the introduction of the Immigration Restriction Act 1901; the Displaced Persons Scheme in the aftermath of World War II)

literacy ethical-understanding critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding

Elaboration (1) | ACDSEH145 | Content Descriptions | Year 10 | History | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACHASSK135

investigating the experiences of democracy and citizenship of migrant groups (for example, White Australia Policy, internment camps during World War II, assimilation policies, anti-discrimination legislation, multiculturalism, Reconciliation, mandatory …

ethical-understanding critical-creative intercultural-understanding literacy personal-social aboriginal-torres

Elaboration (4) | ACHASSK135 | Content Descriptions | Year 6 | HASS | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum


The importance of legislation in securing changes for women since World War II, for example, Roe vs Wade (US); the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Australia); the failure of the United States to ratify the 19th amendment on Equal Rights; the Equality Act …

ACHMH068 | Content Descriptions | Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The significance of key events in bringing about social and political change, including the role of African Americans in World War II, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the desegregation of Little Rock High School, the Freedom Rides, the March on Washington …

ACHMH089 | Content Descriptions | Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The early contribution of important individuals, including Vida Goldstein and Emmeline Pankhurst and the subsequent influence of authors, influential women and activists, for example Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Kate Millett and Germaine Greer, …

ACHMH065 | Content Descriptions | Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The internal development of Japan after the Occupation and the nature of its foreign policy, including the nature of the constitution and political system; the terms of the US-Japan Security Treaty, and the nature of the political order that followed; …

ACHMH146 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Year 9 History

The making of the modern world The Year 9 curriculum provides a study of the history of the making of the modern world from 1750 to 1918. It was a period of industrialisation and rapid change in the ways people lived, worked and thought. It was an era …

Year 9 | History | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLCLU027

discussing influences of Classical Greek literature on modern novels, poetry, drama and film, such as World War I poetry, David Malouf’s Ransom, Anouilh’s Antigone, A Dream of Passion (Medea)

Elaboration (3) | ACLCLU027 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Classical Greek | Framework for Classical Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Japan during World War II, including the extent and nature of Japanese imperial expansion in Asia and the Pacific; the formation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; the external threats to Japan, including tension with the USA over trade before …

ACHMH144 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


the nature of the Cold War and Australia’s involvement in Cold War and post-Cold War conflicts (Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf Wars, Afghanistan), including the rising influence of Asian nations since the end of the Cold War

ethical-understanding intercultural-understanding ScOT Terms

ACOKFH023 | Content Descriptions | Year 10 | History | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum


The involvement of Australia in the Cold War, with particular reference to foreign policy, nuclear testing at Maralinga, and the war in Vietnam

ACHMH189 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

7-10 History - Year 9

Historical questions and research Content descriptions with elaborations: Identify and locate relevant sources, using ICT and other methods (ACHHS168) locating historical sources from archives, museums and online collections Analysis and use of sources Content …

7-10 History - Year 9 | Digital media literacy | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources


The evolving nature and character of the Cold War in Europe and the Asia-Pacific from 1948 through to détente, including the arms race and threat of nuclear war, and the new Cold War of the 1980s

ACHMH188 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The nature and contribution of other sources, to an understanding of Thucydides’ work and the Peloponnesian War

ACHAH344 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: Reconstructing the Ancient World | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The nature and scope of Australia’s war effort in Europe, Asia and the Pacific (1939-1945)

ACHMH124 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The significance and consequences of key conflicts between Arabs and Israelis, including the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-49, the Suez War (1956), the Six-Day War (1967), the Yom Kippur War (1973), Israeli military intervention in Lebanon (1978, 1982, 2006), …

ACHMH216 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


Thucydides’ motivations for writing The Peloponnesian War, including his revision of the contemporary view that Pericles was responsible for the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, as well as the reasons for Athens’ failures

ACHAH342 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: Reconstructing the Ancient World | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

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